Habitual criminal Tendai Musekiwa aka Silent Killer's profile
Tendai Musekiwa is married to Felistas Chapoto .He grew up in 15th Crescent Glen View 1 , Harare. He attended secondary school at Glen View high school 2.From there he took a class 3 motor bike...
View ArticleWays to make your orgasm last longer than normal
Studies have been done to find out how possible it is to extend the duration of the female or_gasm from between 6 to 30 seconds to a full minute. 1. Imagine your bedroom as an hotel room The reason...
View ArticleZimbabwe ranked poorest country in Africa
South Africans are the second wealthiest people in Africa, according to a new report by AfrAsia Bank and New World Wealth, which reviewed the wealthiest and poorest countries on the continent. The...
View Article8 reasons why you must NEVER sleep without having se x if you want to live...
As if the big "O" wasn't reason enough to get busy, sex has many other benefits that just might surprise you. Want to clear your complexion, boost your mood, and cut your risk of cancer, heart...
View Article12 reasons why you must NEVER date a workmate. No. 2 will leave you miserable
You spend most of your day locked up between the walls of your job. If you’re lucky enough, work is much more enjoyable if you have some hunky eye candy walking around to keep things interesting. But...
View Article7 reasons why you must use withdrawal method (pull and pray method): Women...
Withdrawal method, which others call the 'pull and pray method, has long been used for contraception as a natural response to the discovery that ejac ulation into the va gina causes preg nancy. It is...
View ArticleHow to tell if your wife or girlfriend is having se x with another man: 15...
Worried your wife may be cheating on you? Unfortunately, that might not just be paranoia. One report from Indiana University found that nearly a fifth of women polled had admitted to cheating on their...
View ArticleMeet The 10 Richest People In Africa
The richest Africans is an annual ranking of the richest African people, compiled and published by the American business magazine Forbes. The list has been published since 2015. Dangote Group founder...
View ArticleSTUDY: Se x with a South African man is the worst in the world, SA women are...
The study, which was conducted by Victoria Milan, a dating website, found that while men in countries such as Denmark spent over 40 minutes ensuring that their women are satisfied in the bedroom in...
View Article30 shocking facts you didn't know about salt: It can be used to commit suicide
Salt, scientifically known as sodium chloride, has over 14,000 known uses. We won't cover all 14,000 of them, but I can tell you it’s widely used as a preservative as well as being used for healing,...
View Article5 Easy Ways to Make Money Faster Than Fast
Are you looking to make money with little to no work, and as quick as possible? Have no fear - doing so is easy! Look into selling products or services, picking up odd jobs, and other miscellaneous...
View Article5 Reasons Why you should Date Men with a Big Nose
Here's why you need a nasally-gifted guy. I can't tell you how many times I've said, "Wow, he's cute" to friends and gotten the response, "Yeah, but he has a big nose." What? Isn't that the best part?...
View ArticleMUST READ: Reasons why a woman must never have sex with a new boyfriend at...
You're three glasses of wine deep, his hand is on your thigh and your loins are sizzling like a Portuguese steak. You know this date's going to end with sexy time. There's just one question: His place...
View ArticleReasons Why You Should Stay a V!RGIN Until Marriage
Virg!nity is more important to men than women would admit, cuz we all know that virg!ns are of higher value than slu_ts.Now here are the reasons u should wait till after marriage:-1) It will be hard to...
View ArticleWhatsApp: 6 ways to find out if your partner is cheating
Here are Six different techniques to use WhatsApp as a “private investigator” and catch a cheater. You suspect that your husband or wife is having an affair? Do you think your partner is cheating on...
“DON’T DATE SINGLE MOTHERS AND DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THEM” 1. Never Available. A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last...
View ArticleI Slept With My Partners Brother & I Regret It Ever Happened.
Hi I'm 29 years old, I've been with my partner for 17 years we have 2 boys together ages 3&5. We are not married, when I was 19 I did a very bad thing i slept with my brother in law. I don't know...
View ArticlePublic vow not to pay ZBC licenses for rubbish shows
ZBC I note with interest the contents of the recent Constitutional Court judgment entitling you to the payment of license fees effectively from every member of the public. I respect the court's...
View ArticleSigns Your Partner Is Good Marriage Material
Who we choose to marry is one of the most important and costliest decisions a person will make, yet it’s not uncommon for lovers to make errors in judgment. Why does this happen? One reason is that...
View Article5 Things She Secretly Wants You To Try In Bed
Ah, discussing se_x with women is quite an interesting experience. Just the other day, I asked one of my girl friends what she secretly wants her man to do to her in bed. Her reply was not what I...
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