Are you looking to make money with little to no work, and as quick as possible? Have no fear - doing so is easy! Look into selling products or services, picking up odd jobs, and other miscellaneous tasks as ways of getting cash quick.
Sell your old stuff. There are a variety of ways to turn the things you don’t use into cash, including:
-Selling old clothes at a second-hand shop.
-Selling books, CDs, and games to specialty stores and media outlets like FYE or Best Buy.
Sign up for paid surveys. While they rarely pay more than $5-10 apiece, you can complete a lot of them to earn a quick profit.
Make money off of your body (for science). There are a variety of ways to make some money off your flesh and blood, including:
Sign up for clinical research trials.
Selling plasma.
Do other people's chores for quick cash. The explosion of the internet has made it possible for you to sign up for a variety of low-commitment jobs to make some extra money. Unfortunately, these services may only be available in big cities.
Rent out a room of your house. Again, the sharing economy made possible by the internet is making even easier to make a quick buck online.