10 things you didn't know about Hitler: He loved being urinated & defecated on
Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as...
View Article15 Secrets and 10 Foods that increase your intelligence within 30 Days
Intelligence comes in two forms: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is stored-up information and how-to knowledge. This form of intelligence grows as you age....
View ArticleHAPPY DRINKING: Taking 1 bottle of alcohol everyday helps fight heart failure
A new study says that having one drink each day is better for you than abstaining. The health benefits of including a moderate amount of alcohol in the diet have been vigorously debated in research....
View ArticleDear Women: Here are 24 foods that will naturally grow your buttocks bigger...
Protein Protein is what typically every woman here will need to eat more of to help make your butt bigger. There is a common misconception that eating more protein or drinking protein shakes is only...
View Article10 shocking and unbelievable Se.xual Cultures and Practices
Sex can be a bonding or loving experience, a formality, fun and exciting, or even immoral or illegal. Whatever you want to call it, there's no doubt that sex makes the world go 'round. Every culture is...
View ArticleNOTICE: This is what you must do tonight to have best ever se.x session with...
We've all been there: Sex with your partner is good, but it's thisclose to being mind-blowing. But, while you probably know what it takes to get you off, spelling out exactly where he's going wrong can...
View Article8 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer with 12 ways of prevention
On World Cancer Day and everyone is encouraged to wear pink colours as a symbol of support to those who are affected by this dreadful illness. Here are the signs and symptoms of cancer: 1. Irregular...
View ArticleS.ex positions you use describe your character: Every man who loves...
WHEN it comes to sex, men and women have always had theories about how to size each other up. Some people claim that certain attributes like a man’s hands can tell them if he is well endowed or not,...
View ArticleLATEST on shot Budiriro business man
The Budiriro businessman who was shot dead by armed was also run over by their vehicle. Lameck Murimi’s brother, Moses said the family was still in shock. “We are still yet to ascertain what...
View ArticleReasons why you should marry a NDEBELE woman
Many reasons have been written before on why you should marry a Ndebele woman. Here are five more reasons : She is Not Selfish – The backbone of a lasting marriage is self-giving, selflessness. This...
View ArticleHabitual criminal Tendai Musekiwa aka Silent Killer's profile
Tendai Musekiwa is married to Felistas Chapoto .He grew up in 15th Crescent Glen View 1 , Harare. He attended secondary school at Glen View high school 2.From there he took a class 3 motor bike...
View ArticleWays to make your orgasm last longer than normal
Studies have been done to find out how possible it is to extend the duration of the female or_gasm from between 6 to 30 seconds to a full minute. 1. Imagine your bedroom as an hotel room The reason...
View ArticleZimbabwe ranked poorest country in Africa
South Africans are the second wealthiest people in Africa, according to a new report by AfrAsia Bank and New World Wealth, which reviewed the wealthiest and poorest countries on the continent. The...
View Article8 reasons why you must NEVER sleep without having se x if you want to live...
As if the big "O" wasn't reason enough to get busy, sex has many other benefits that just might surprise you. Want to clear your complexion, boost your mood, and cut your risk of cancer, heart...
View Article12 reasons why you must NEVER date a workmate. No. 2 will leave you miserable
You spend most of your day locked up between the walls of your job. If you’re lucky enough, work is much more enjoyable if you have some hunky eye candy walking around to keep things interesting. But...
View Article7 reasons why you must use withdrawal method (pull and pray method): Women...
Withdrawal method, which others call the 'pull and pray method, has long been used for contraception as a natural response to the discovery that ejac ulation into the va gina causes preg nancy. It is...
View ArticleHow to tell if your wife or girlfriend is having se x with another man: 15...
Worried your wife may be cheating on you? Unfortunately, that might not just be paranoia. One report from Indiana University found that nearly a fifth of women polled had admitted to cheating on their...
View ArticleMeet The 10 Richest People In Africa
The richest Africans is an annual ranking of the richest African people, compiled and published by the American business magazine Forbes. The list has been published since 2015. Dangote Group founder...
View ArticleSTUDY: Se x with a South African man is the worst in the world, SA women are...
The study, which was conducted by Victoria Milan, a dating website, found that while men in countries such as Denmark spent over 40 minutes ensuring that their women are satisfied in the bedroom in...
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