Withdrawal method, which others call the 'pull and pray method, has long been used for contraception as a natural response to the discovery that ejac ulation into the va gina causes preg nancy. It is also called coitus interruptus or the withdrawal and it requires great self-control, experience, and trust, and as such, is unreliable.
When it comes to birth control the withdrawal method is the world’s oldest and most rudimentary method.
The withdrawal method is the situation whereby the man is taking his pe nis out of the va gina before he ejaculates, limiting the chances of any sperm reaching the egg. However, not all sperm are released at climax, some still escape, and escaped sperm can still fertilize eggs.
Studies suggest that nearly 60% of women have rely on their partners to withdraw before ejaculating at some point in their lives. For some it’s the best option for them. Men who use the withdrawal method with their partners must be able to know when they are reaching the point in se xual excitement when ejac ulation can no longer be stopped. Surprisingly, research indicates that pulling out is about as effective as con doms at preventing preg nancies though of course, not se xually transmitted infections.
Below are 7 reasons why women love the withdrawal method:
1. The same way men do not like con doms withdrawal method allows women feel the sensation more during se x. It is like eating and still having it at the same time. 2. It makes se x more enjoyable as sometimes con doms cause’s discomforts. Some women actually itch when their partners use con doms.
3. It is the best form of birth control: Some women prefer it to taking birth control pills. It is also the easiest form of contraception to use.
4. It requires no prescription: When it comes to withdrawal method there is no fixed dosage or time as it is readily there all of the time. It requires no cost.
5. It can be used when breastfeeding: Some women can’t use birth control pills when breast feeding so it doesn’t affect their babies. The withdrawal method allows them enjoy se x without having to worry about medications.
6. It is free of hormones: It requires no devices, involves no chemicals and is available in any situation
7. For women that are married they could use it to get fresher.
7 reasons why you must use withdrawal method (pull and pray method): Women really love it