Many reasons have been written before on why you should marry a Ndebele woman. Here are five more reasons :
She is Not Selfish – The backbone of a lasting marriage is self-giving, selflessness. This is a higher level of commitment. I am not saying you should lose yourself and become a ‘slave’. Ndebele women are raised to not be selfish, but to reciprocate love and give excessively to her family and children. I strongly feel it was Ndebele women who first demonstrated “Ubuntu”. That said, there is a difference between having healthy boundaries and being selfish.Selfishness causes a breakdown in intimacy and vulnerability and leads to always being suspicious of your partner. Healthy boundaries create an environment that fosters open, honest and respectful communication.
So if you meet a Ndebele woman who is not selfish, marry her.
She is Not Jealous – A lot of women are jealous by nature, and that doesn’t change when they get married. So I recommend the Ndebele woman who is taught to manage her jealousy for the sake of community living; for the sake of creating a happy home. I’m not talking about a woman who is prepared to ‘put up’ with anything. Yes, some may argue that a healthy level of jealousy is actually good for a relationship. A little is OK but too much of it brings insecurity, and is an expression of low self-esteem. A Ndebele woman does not behave in an unseemly manner. She has learnt how to balance her own expectations with that of others, and maintain her dignity.
If you meet a Ndebele woman who is not jealous, marry her.
She is Not Materialistic – The majority of Ndebele women dream of getting married to a man who will take really good care of them. A man that understands and lives the words – “for better or worse, until death do us part”. A Ndebele woman doesn’t want to get married for money, although there is nothing wrong with living a comfortable life. For a Ndebele woman, a happy family is more important than riches. .
If you meet a Ndebele woman who is not after your money, marry her.
She Loves S_ex but Won’t Cheat – Ndebele women love s_ex, for fun and procreation. She understands that s_ex isn’t everything in a relationship, but she will give you the best s_ex of your life – a close-to-heaven, out-of-body-in-your-body experience. Her desire is to be satisfied by the man she loves, and not to be satisfied for the sake of satisfaction.Her s_ex drive is high and she will satisfy her husband without complaining – especially not of a headache!
If you meet a Ndebele woman who loves s_ex and doesn’t cheat, marry her.
She Loves God – A Ndebele woman is always spiritual and you can’t divorce her from her beliefs. Prayer is not a routine but a lifestyle. The day starts and ends with prayer. She knows that her true beauty is revealed in the presence of God. She attends church regularly and has a good report among her peers. You will certainly be in good hands because daily, she will pray for your health, job, business, and children. She is a lover of Jesus and understands the value of His death on the cross. She talks the talks and walks the walk, and practices what she preaches.
Reasons why you should marry a NDEBELE woman