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5 Easy Ways to Make Money Faster Than Fast


Are you looking to make money with little to no work, and as quick as possible? Have no fear - doing so is easy! Look into selling products or services, picking up odd jobs, and other miscellaneous tasks as ways of getting cash quick.

Sell your old stuff. There are a variety of ways to turn the things you don’t use into cash, including:
-Selling old clothes at a second-hand shop.
-Selling books, CDs, and games to specialty stores and media outlets like FYE or Best Buy.

Sign up for paid surveys. While they rarely pay more than $5-10 apiece, you can complete a lot of them to earn a quick profit.

Make money off of your body (for science). There are a variety of ways to make some money off your flesh and blood, including:
Sign up for clinical research trials.
Selling plasma.

Do other people's chores for quick cash. The explosion of the internet has made it possible for you to sign up for a variety of low-commitment jobs to make some extra money. Unfortunately, these services may only be available in big cities.

Rent out a room of your house. Again, the sharing economy made possible by the internet is making even easier to make a quick buck online.

5 Reasons Why you should Date Men with a Big Nose


Here's why you need a nasally-gifted guy.

I can't tell you how many times I've said, "Wow, he's cute" to friends and gotten the response, "Yeah, but he has a big nose." What? Isn't that the best part?

Something about a big nose always makes me think they have a great personality: funny, strong, full of life. How could a nose not signify something? It's the most prominent feature on your face.

Turns out, I'm not alone. From ancient Egyptian priests to nineteenth century Europeans, cultures have been noting the significance of the nose forever. Leonardo Da Vinci even believed that the nose determined the character of the whole face in his paintings.

It's time to forget your silly dealbreakers and everything you've heard about Pinocchio. Why should your next boyfriend have a large nose? Oh, let us count the ways.

1. He has more muscle.

My, what a big nose you have! Well, one study revealed it's so they can support you better. Turns out, guys have bigger noses than ladies because they need more oxygen to maintain their muscle-y bods. Yep, you can thank that honker for his six-pack and killer biceps. Take all the oxygen you want, boys.

2. He's thought to be wise and powerful.

What do Adrien Brody, Marlon Brando and Bradley Cooper all have in common? According to Egyptian priests, had they known of these big-nosed hunks, they'd be considered incredibly intelligent. In Greek and Roman times, a big, long nose also meant power and strength. Win, win, win.

3. He has better luck with money.

Smack in the center of his face, the nose is the money spot — literally. According to Chinese face reading, also known as physiognomy, a person with a big nose has better luck with money. And this large-nosed fella can expect an increase in riches as they get older.

It's not just physiognomy that associates big noses with a big wallet. Experts in the UK looked at the features of the most successful people and came up with the ideal facial model for those destined for business success: men with a Roman nose, along with wide set eyes and flared nostrils. Wealth certainly isn't everything, but in any area of life it certainly doesn't hurt to be lucky.

4. He won't get you sick.

It turns out, a big schnoz protects against bacteria, allergies and infections better. According to a study from the University of Iowa, people with big noses inhale almost seven percent fewer pollutants than smaller ones. Who knew your boyfriend could be your best barrier against the sniffles?

5. He has a crazy se_x drive.

While there's no proof that a big nose means a big package, big noses are linked to high testosterone and virility, according to research published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour. Manliness and a lively libido? Yes, please.

MUST READ: Reasons why a woman must never have sex with a new boyfriend at his place


You're three glasses of wine deep, his hand is on your thigh and your loins are sizzling like a Portuguese steak. You know this date's going to end with sexy time.

There's just one question: His place or yours?

Personally, I'm all about home-ground advantage. Going to a new guy's house is taking a huge risk. Sure, he might live in a gorgeous home with an infinity pool and a Nespresso machine. But what if he lives in a dingy basement with an illegal monkey named Scratchy? Here are three reaons you should NEVER go to a dude's place for first time sex.

Have you ever been inside a 20-something dude's bathroom? It's basically a Where's Wally? of rogue pubes. There is never any soap and the toilet looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. Just NO!

No way, I can climax in a single bed facing a Shawshank poster

Everyone meets online, which means all you really know is that he 'works hard/plays hard' and went to Machu Piccu. He could be a murderer or a Bulls fan for all you know! #FullBodyShivers


Rule 1: Don't Jump the Gun
There's no doubt been so much buildup to this moment that you're tempted to skip foreplay and launch right into the part where you insert tab A into slot B. But that's a rookie mistake. So keep things slow and steamy from the get-go. During foreplay, any time his hands start to wander too daringly or it seems like he's going to try to go for the main event, grab his wrists and hold them tight. Then give him a long, drawn-out kiss.

Rule 2: Acknowledge Awkward Moments
Of course we all want to be thought of as a goddess in the sack, so the instinct is to ignore any gawky moments and pray on the kama sutra that he will too. But things will go much more smoothly if you do the opposite.

Rule 3: Say Something Nice
It's a myth that guys are worried about only their own pleasure. In fact, most dudes have a harder time enjoying themselves when they're unsure if their partner is having a good time. And since you're new to him, he doesn't know all your little inaudible signs that you like what he's doing. So it's crucial that you tell him. Just be sure you praise something that really does feel good because he'll file away whatever you say and often incorporate it into future sex sessions (and for God's sake, don't fake any pleasure where there is none. Backtracking from that is not easy).

Rule 4: Hold Back from Getting Crazy Acrobatic
You may have the urge to pull out all your wild sex tricks to show him you know how to get it on, but the first time isn't the right time. Stick with positions that are familiar, feel awesome, and don't require any crazy-ass acrobatics. Then if you want to spice things up, try one little tweak, like touching yourself while he watches.

Rule 5: First get married. Oh, This must have been rule one, kikikikiki

Reasons Why You Should Stay a V!RGIN Until Marriage


Virg!nity is more important to men than women would admit, cuz we all know that virg!ns are of higher value than slu_ts.

Now here are the reasons u should wait till after marriage:-

1) It will be hard to say No:- Once you've had se_x, it will be hard to say No when an opportunity presents itself again, and if ur already the kind of person that has a problem with self control, you will find urself behaving like a sl_ut and your're more likely to cheat. Virg!ns on the other hand won't cuz they dont know how it feels and you can never crave what you've never had.

2) You wont bond as strongly from the se_x act:- a lady who has gone through all the guys in her street will find nothing special about the next guy in line. Virg!ns will bond like super glue to the first guy that deflowers them. The love will be so strong, she will look up to him like a king.
[this is usually why a girl will always call you, text you all the tym, and say you don't love her any more cuz u've used her, if u dont do little things for her or call her every day, she'll say this cuz she's afriad of losing you]

And so men, for very ancient biological reasons, prefer to marry virg!ns. This is as unchangeable as the fact that women perfer "high status men". Of course nothing Good comes without its costs, female virg!ns are really hard to find in morden society, but few secular men are willing to sacrifice the good times of non-marital se_x for religious purposes and better chances at bagging a virg!n. So they suck it up and tell the slu_tty SWPL (s'tuff white pple like) what they want to hear
"No really babe, i dont care how many guys you've been with,
its all in the past now"
............ All the while dragging and dragging their feet on the marriage proposal.
Now some men fear the inexperience that virg!ns are likely to bring to the bedroom, bt this is a minor concern as a lady's se_xual inexperience is quickly and easily overcome as long as she has normal se_x drive. After all se_x is not further maths neither is it rocket science. A few weeks of non stop se_x (when you are married that is) with a virg!n and she will know all the things that a person should know how to do when having se_x.

WhatsApp: 6 ways to find out if your partner is cheating


Here are Six different techniques to use WhatsApp as a “private investigator” and catch a cheater.

You suspect that your husband or wife is having an affair? Do you think your partner is cheating on you? If you find yourself in this situation, WhatsApp can give you a hand to find out the truth. On the Internet, one technique to know if your wife or husband has cheated is spreading fast, but it is not 100% effective. There are margins of error. But there are also two other ways to investigate a possible betrayal. They are not all “legal”, but it is good to know just in case, and above all, to know how to defend yourself in case of suspicion.

Many people don’t always want to catch a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. Often, on the contrary, they want to hide the existence of a lover. But where there is a cheater, there is also a betrayed partner and text messages. Let’s make things clear in this world of jealousy, love, and infidelity in the era of WhatsApp.
How to find out if your partner is cheating

As said above, there is a popular method to find out, with WhatsApp, if he (or she) is unfaithful to you. On the web, people don’t talk about anything else. Wives, husbands, boyfriends, and girlfriends are alerted. And it does not end there. With WhatsApp, you can do more. Besides the already popular method, which takes advantage of a little-known function of the application, there are two other ways that may confirm suspicions of adultery. We see in detail how to do, and how to defend yourself.
Find out if he (she) cheats on me: Method 1

The first way to discover an affair is based on a very simple rule: Look on the WhatsApp contact list and find out with whom your partner is mostly exchanging messages, images, and video. On WhatsApp you can see the ranking of contacts with whom we chat more. Just open up the rankings in the data usage, and see who is in the top positions. What is he or she among the people with whom you feel the most? Here is the fatal question. If it is not a friend or a friend whom you know, every suspect is more than legitimate. Nobody exchanges many messages with a person who does not care.

Here is how: Ask him or her to show you the list of WhatsApp close friends on the phone (remember to do it in secret is illegal). Take her/his phone*, open WhatsApp, and go to Settings-> Account > Storage Usage. You will see the ranking of friends with whom you chat most. Just take a quick look, and if you notice a suspicious contact, immediately ask for explanations from your partner about why they have contact so often with that person, so that her/him is so well-placed in the ranking. If the suspected contact is even placed before you, chances are that there is something fishy going on.

* On Android the feature is not yet available. If you are using an Android smart phone, go directly to methods 2 and 3.
Techniques of espionage to catch a cheater: Method 2

The first method technique to discover a betrayal on WhatsApp has a limit: The partners could invent an excuse to justify all those chats with the person suspected. He could deny all, and you would remain with nothing more than a suspicion without confirmation.

There is another way, though, that can bring out the truth. These are applications that allow you to spy on WhatsApp messages from another phone. Clicking on the previous link, you will learn about the most popular app for spying. Just download one of them, and you can read the partner’s messages and see all the photos and videos that she/he has sent. If they are unfaithful, there is no way out.

The problem is that using this type of app without the consent of the partner is illegal, and if you are caught, you risk a sentence. The best thing, therefore, is to ask the partner as an “act of trust”. Ask him/her for the phone. If there is nothing to hide, why should they say no? This way nothing will be illegal, but you will have the certainty of knowing the truth about what is happening.

N.B.All this has a risk. If at the end you find out that there is no betrayal, your partner may be angry at you for the pressure you put on him/her. We must calmly evaluate before acting.
Discover a betrayal with the “tricky message”: Method 3

Let’s say it right away: This method is as powerful as it is illegal. We mention it in this article only for illustrative purposes as well as to defend yourself against any attacks of jealousy from your love one.

We could call it “the tricky message“. It is a fake message that you send to your partner pretending to be her/him lover, and then see how she/he responds and figure out if there’re any signs of infidelity.

To put it into practice, you first need to run the method 1 and identify the suspect contact. If there is one, you can apply the “trap”.

To run it, you need three things:

-A telephone with an unknown phone number to call your partner

-The name of the suspected contact

-The phone of your partner (just for a few seconds)

After getting all requirements, you have to just create a new contact in the address book of your partner’s phone. This contact will have the same name of the suspected’s name (that you got in the ranking of close friends) and the phone number you have picked to put the trap into practice.

Perhaps you’ve already figured out how to proceed. What you have to do is just send a WhatsApp message from the phone with the new number and wait for an answer. Your partner will believe they have received a message by the “lover” and, depending on how he/she responds, you can find out if there is a betrayal or not. Obviously, the advice is to send a “spicy” message, but not too much, to prevent your partner from having suspicions about the veracity of the message.

At this point, there are two possibilities: If you find out your love one is cheating on you, well, you know very well how to behave (men can make mistakes and they might be forgiven). Or, if your suspicions turn out to be baseless, you will need to find a way to apologize to your partner for a lack of confidence.

And you? Have you ever had such experiences? Share with us by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of the page. Your experience could be very useful for other people who are in similar situations. Finally, do you think it is right to investigate to discover a betrayal? Or should we sometimes let it go and trust our partner?




1. Never Available. A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last minute. Something always gets in the way of a man spending time with her. It’s hard to have a relationship with her because she’s never there.

2. YOU are NOT a priority. Usually in a relationship the man winds up DEAD LAST. Behind, her kids, her job, the car, the kitchen sink, the stopped up toilet. Even the dog gets more attention and affection than a man involved with a single mother. Any man who gets involved with a single mother winds up a fifth stringer in a relationship. And he rarely ever gets called up to play.

3. Thinks the world revolves around HER and ONLY HER. A single mother is one of the biggest narcissists on the dating scene. She often thinks that a man has to drop everything in his life to be part of hers and her kids. They’re so selfish they don’t think a man has needs, wants or a life of his own. He’s just supposed to be there to give her everything she wants in life.

4. Emotionally Unavailable- Most Single mothers cannot form an intimate connection with a man because her feelings are invested in other people. Usually her primary focus is on her children.

In addition to dedicating herself to her children, most single mothers have given their hearts to someone else- their children’s father. And those feelings she still has for him will always prevent her from getting closer to you. There will always be some distance between a single mother and the new man in her life.

5. The ex/ Baby Daddy is ALWAYS THERE. A man just doesn’t deal with a single mother. He deals with her ex or her baby daddy as well. And this guy is always hovering around like a helicopter looking to c*ckblock you. Some of these guys still think they have a shot at getting back with her. Others just don’t want to see her happy. A lot of these dudes want to f!ght over her.

Seriously, it’s a game they’re playing with each other. And they’ll be playing that game with each other until their children turn 18 or 21. Head for the exit. It’s just not worth dealing with this fool and his insecure bullshyt.

6. The kids are working AGAINST YOU When dealing with a single mother you also deal with Kids. Kids who still in their little heart of hearts think that Dad will come back and love them.


7. Those kids will HATE YOU. They will act out to keep you from getting closer to mommy. They will make accusations against you to get you in trouble. Again, it’s just not worth dealing with the bullsh*t to get with a female. There are four billion women in the world. You can find a quality female who doesn’t carry all this baggage or give you this much grief.
8. Entitled attitude Single mothers think because she had a baby out of wedlock the world owes her EVERYTHING. And she thinks she’s the one who deserves the best. Even though she’s usually collecting welfare, food stamps, or child support, in eyes she’s still supposed to be treated like she’s a queen because she popped a kid out of her v*gina.

In their deluded distorted vision of the world Men are still supposed to take her out to the finest restaurants and buy them lots of expensive stuff. And he’s supposed to take care of her kids too, buying them whatever they want while taking a blind eye to their bad behavior.

9. Distorted self-image Single mothers still thinks she’s as sexy like she was before she had a baby. Only she doesn’t understand how her body has changed. In some cases for the worse.

Single mothers are the type to try to squeeze themselves into sexy outfits like low-rise jeans and cropped T-shirts to show off their belly button, not seeing the muffin top and stretch marks squeezing out over the top of their pants. They’re the type to stuff themselves into slinky spandex dresses, (not aware of that gut, and the cellulite on their asses) and head out to the club. She thinks men are supposed to run up on her offering to buy her drinks. And because a few thirsty simps step to her, she thinks she’s still got it. But the only people who wants what she has to offer are scavengers at the bottom of the social scene.

10. Always the victim. Single Mothers never take responsibility for their actions. The situation they’re in is always the fault of that “no good man”, “these damn kids” their mother or someone else. They never take any time to do any self-examination or make any efforts to change their lives. They’re still looking for some Rich Incredibly Handsome Man™ to put on a cape and play Captain Save-A-Hoe™, sweep her off her feet and take her out of the troubling situation she helped make.

11. Jekyll & Hyde Personality. A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUTJOB. A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting she’ll yell at them and bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel.

It’s all an act. Heaven will turn into Hell around the six month mark.

Once a single mother gets a man settled into her life it’s not common for her to start verbally abusing him and mocking him as she projects all that pent-up rage from those previous failed relationships onto him. And it’s usually around this point that most men realize why this woman is single and why it’s time for him to hit the exit door.

12. Drama Queen. Because a single mother always sees herself as a victim of society, she’s always talking about her problems. And she always has a new trouble to bring everyone. There’s never a good day in the life of a single mother because there’s always some new crisis about to emerge in her life.

The reason single mothers need the drama is because it makes them feel important. It makes people pay attention to them. And when Captain-Save-A-Hoe™ is doting on them trying to solve their problems it makes them feel an artificial sense of value. They need that value to deflects people’s attention from how pathetic their lives actually are.

Manipulative In most cases, a single mother has no interest in a man she’s dating. In a lot of cases she’s just using a guy as a pawn.
13. In most cases she’s dating to make her Baby Baddy jealous. Deep down in her heart of hearts she believes that if she’s seen with someone else who sees her as valuable that he’ll see her as valuable and take her back.

In other cases when she’s not trying to get a rise out of Baby Daddy she’s playing the sympathy card™ using a guy to get gifts, free dinners and free drinks out of him. To a single mother, The men in her lives are just human ATM machines where she whispers a sweet nothing in his ear like a PIN number and money comes out of his wallet.

And because she’s a drama queen who loves to play the victim, the Single mother plays to men’s emotions to get them to react in the way she wants. It’s not common for a single mother to tell her man man about her baby daddy so he can go f!ght him. Or pit two baby daddies against each other. Many a man has wound up either dead or in prison because a single Mother played the victim card™

14. Dishonest. A single mother is a LIAR. It’s how she gets what she wants. It’s how she manipulates people. It’s how she takes care of her kids. It’s how she survives in this world.

Single mothers lie. And they LIE ALL THE TIME. They lie to men about their age, their height, their weight, how many kids they have, the job they do.

On top of the lies they tell to others They lie to themselves. They lie about about how beautiful they are. They lie telling themselves they’re still a catch. They lie telling themselves they still have a chance with a good man. They lie telling themselves that their lives will be happily ever after one day.

The horrible truth is without those lies most of those single mothers would realize how pathetic their lives are. How they have no options in the dating scene. That they’re at the bottom of the barrel in the dating scene and the only men who want them are pathetic Manginas and thirsty Simps.

15. Carries Baggage, baggage and more baggage A single mother has more issues than Time and Newsweek combined. And when she’s looking for a man, she’s not looking for an equal caring partner. She’s looking for a Pullman Porter™ to take care of her kids, and clean up her messes with her childrens’ father. Brothers, don’t let yourself get sized up for the white jacket and the bow tie!

Anyway, dealing with a single mother is like walking through a minefield. After several months of being involved with her, it leaves a man anxious and tense because he doesn’t know where to step that won’t lead to an explosion that k!lls him.

That’s why Real Men avoid single mothers like disease.
Real men understand life is too short to put up with someone’s drama and their emotional baggage. We only have a limited time on God’s Earth and who wants to spend it being a Pullman Porter cleaning up someone else’s messes. As I stated before in a previous blog, let that woman take her run over Jimmy Choos and clean up her own mess. She made her bed, now let her lie in the wet spot.
Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them. There are four billion women in this world. If you’re patient, you’ll find a good one.

I Slept With My Partners Brother & I Regret It Ever Happened.


Hi I'm 29 years old, I've been with my partner for 17 years we have 2 boys together ages 3&5. We are not married, when I was 19 I did a very bad thing i slept with my brother in law. I don't know why exactly maybe it was because I was drunk & also i felt alone.

My partner Never spend time with me. Honestly he always left me alone. So I would go & hang out with my family who till this day drink every weekend without missing a beat.

Well his brother was always there b/c @the time he was dating my cousin. I know it sounds bad but its something i will regret for the rest of my life.

Well we had se_x 3 times on 3 different occasions. I felt disgusted the last time We had se_x because i was sober the other 2 times i was drunk so i guess i didn't care.

So i went on living with this keeping it a secret from my partner.

Gosh i love him so much & wish i could take it back. Well he just recently found out about this thanks to a friend that i thought was a friend but I'm glad it came out because i couldn't take the guilt any longer.

So about 6 month ago he found out & he's been heart broken ever since. I even took a lie detector test to prove that it happen that long ago & that it only happen 3 times & that i didn't cheat with no one else. But that didn't work because no matter what he's really hurt.

His family & mine all know about it. My mother in law still loves me because she accepts that it happen in the past. But my partner can't handle this much pain & its really affecting my boys.

I don't know if we should move on or separate. He can't let it go. I think maybe therapy would help. I just don't understand why i did it in the first place. But it happened 10 years ago & i was 19 i know it didn't justify it but i was young.

I'm 29 now with two beautiful Kids & i love my partner very much. Also he admitted to me that about 3 years ago he had an affair that lasted for 2 years.

We are broken & wish we could fix out it. But he can't let it go what should we do.

Public vow not to pay ZBC licenses for rubbish shows


ZBC I note with interest the contents of the recent Constitutional Court judgment entitling you to the payment of license fees effectively from every member of the public. I respect the court's judgment but disagree with it (as I am entitled to do). That's something I will take up in the appropriate forum - but for now, I have a few words for you.

Your content is deplorable, outdated, biased and of exceptionally low quality - including as it does cartoons from the eighties, news reports riddled with spelling mistakes and - barring one or two - programmes nobody has any intention to watch, even if they were paid to do so. People prefer to pay upwards of $80 a month to watch DSTv - including your own management and employees who can afford it.

It's time for you to introspect and ask why people refuse to pay any form of tax or licensing fees to you. It's because you suck - in every respect imaginable. You are biased. Knowing full well that there was something big going on during Pastor E's remand hearing, you reported on extraneous drivel that does not resonate with anyone. You ignored the stay away. You ignore this flag. You ignore hunger, injustice, poverty and corruption. You have no content that would be even remotely interesting to the general populace. You are not for the people but against them. If this improved, believe me - I'd be the first to pay for
my license. People who cannot afford DSTV would much rather buy pirated movies and other material off the street than watch ZBC.

As things currently stand, why should I pay a cent of my hard-earned cash to you? Why not get funding from those who decide your content and whose agenda you so ably support?

You will have to sue me for that $30 before I pay it. I say that knowing that the cost you will have to pay for issuing and serving the summons is far more than $30. I am prepared to fight the claim using every defence at my disposable and if I lose, you will have spent so much money fighting the legal battle, I will feel some sort of retribution - and only when the deputy sheriff is at my doorstep two years later, will I pay the $30. I am prepared to pay a fine if you choose to go the criminal route - even if that fine is more than $30.

It's the principle - you can't abuse people and simultaneously expect people to pay for such abuse. Enjoy trying to enforce the law by the way - especially in respect of gadgets I own that are capable of receiving your signals - but which you will never see.

Thank you. Bye. Advocate Fadzayi Mahere via Facebook

Signs Your Partner Is Good Marriage Material


Who we choose to marry is one of the most important and costliest decisions a person will make, yet it’s not uncommon for lovers to make errors in judgment. Why does this happen? One reason is that most of us aren’t raised with a healthy template of marriage to follow. We also lack self-awareness and may be afraid of ending up alone.

Another factor is unrealistic expectations of marriage because we grew up in the first generation for whom divorce continues to be accepted and common. According to author Pothos, lots of marriages seem to be trial marriages and people tie the knot with the notion of “If it doesn’t make me happy, I’ll just move on.” Since more and more individuals grow up in divorced homes where they witness divorce being the solution to marital problems, they may not approach marriage with a thoughtful mindset.

Unfortunately, many of us marry without obtaining critical information about our partners. For instance, we may not know that our father-in-law is a substance abuser or that our mother-in-law has a family history of mental illness. Sadly, we may put our faith in someone who we fall in love with blindly and fail to ask some of these crucial questions.

6 signs your partner is good marriage material:

1. You admire your partner for who they are as a person. You like and respect who he/she is and how they carry themselves through the world. If you can’t respect the way a person lives their life, let alone admire them, it’s hard to keep any relationship going.

2. Your partner is trustworthy because they keep agreements. Their actions are consistent with their words. When you share something personal you trust they will keep it to themselves.

3. He/she makes time for you on a regular basis. They make you a priority because they value your relationship. Even when he/she is swamped, they make time to spend with you. This includes regular text messages or phone calls to show that they’re thinking of you.

4. Your partner is comfortable talking about the things that interest you and asks you questions about your hobbies, friends and family. They appreciate you for who you are right now and aren’t trying to change you.

5. He/she makes you feel good about yourself. A partner who truly cares about you is a boost to your self-esteem. He/she values you and gives you compliments and praise.

6. You share a vision. Sharing a dream for your life together can help you gain a healthy perspective. When couples possess a shared vision, the inevitable ups and downs of marriage are less bothersome. Creating a larger context of meaning in life, can help couples to avoid focusing on the small stuff that happens and to keep their eyes on the big picture.

If you feel that your partner is the right person for you but you still fear commitment, you might want to consider the following: Know that no relationship is conflict free, but you are worthy of having a relationship that makes you happy. If you aren’t there yet, embrace where you are now. What is it that holds you back from achieving a satisfying relationship? And once you have it, what will you do when you get there?

The best partner will compliment you and bring out your very best. When you are with him or her, you will begin to see untapped possibilities within yourself and in the world. In any relationship, you will face ups and downs and your love will be tested. However, where admiration and respect are found, love will be sustained. But where these things are absent, love will die. Finding a partner who likes and respects you as much as you do him/her will give you the best chance of finding long-lasting love.

5 Things She Secretly Wants You To Try In Bed


Ah, discussing se_x with women is quite an interesting experience. Just the other day, I asked one of my girl friends what she secretly wants her man to do to her in bed. Her reply was not what I expected. She basically had a list of errors.

"Well, he never kisses me when we make love. I hate that. Then there's the fact that he rarely, if ever, goes down on me. And if that's not terrible enough, he's done before I even get wet."

Yeah, enough with the whining already, I'm certain he has his own list as well, although I would never tell her that. Nevertheless, that's when I realized that perhaps I should word the question a little differently.

"No," I said, "what I mean is, do you have a secret se_xual desire that you wish he could just telepathically pick up on?" And that's when the conversation intensified...

5. Get Aggressive In Bed

Just about every woman I encountered had the words "more aggressive se_x" rolling off her tongue. From being tied up and spanked to having their hair pulled and being mildly asphyxiated, the women were quite enthusiastic about aggressive se_x.

Of course, I'm not implying that you should go home and smack your b!tch up, but instead, maybe a little roughing in the bedroom can work wonders for your se_x life. And if that's not enough, these women didn't simply want their men to be more aggressive; they wanted to, on occasion, be the aggressor.

4. Curse Like A Sailor

In the spirit of being vocal, believe it or not, dirty talk was mentioned quite often. But it wasn't the flowery variety; the talk that many women wanted was downright nasty. I guess tame bedroom antics went out with everlasting marriages.

The colorful language they were using had these women blushing, but their candidness was much appreciated. Of course, I can't write any of it here without being censored, but I'm certain you can use your imagination on this one.

3. Treat Her Like A Pr0stitute

Ah, fanta$ies, the beauty of them lies in the fact that many are not realized. But as one woman put it: "I am tired of being that precious lady in the bedroom. I'm tired of 'making love' and doing things gently all the time. I want him to have raunchy se_x with me and talk to me as though he just met me and cares nothing about what I want. I want him to ravish me like an animal and tell me to be quiet whenever I try to say something." Wow!

I guess, in the end, there are plenty of women who want to be, for lack of a better word, slu_tty in the bedroom. They simply fear that if they behave in such a manner, then their men will think less of them, and some are even afraid that their men will mistakenly begin treating them differently outside the bedroom as well. All the same, many women are big fans of scenarios such as the one described.

2. Longer, More Vocal Oral se_x

Whether it's for you or her, women want a whole lot more of oral se_x. To my surprise, many women were keen on performing for their men as well (many in hopes of reciprocation). What they secretly wanted was directions. Now I don't mean "no, no left, now a little to the right, now go up, down, up, down, oh yeah," but rather describing how and why you like it when she's down there. And noise; women secretly want to hear you making all kinds of pleasant noises that assure them that they're doing a good, uh, job.

Now, on to your deeds down there. What do women secretly want? They want you to get deep down in there with your mouth, use your fingers, and when necessary, penetrate her with your p3nis for a little while, and then get busy again with your mouth.

1. Focus On Her Entirely

It may sound like less of a fant.asy and more of a se_x tip, but a lot of women want their men to focus on their entire bodies. "I want him to l!ck and kiss everything from my ankles to the small of my back. I want him to arouse sensations that come from somewhere other than my vag!na," said one woman.

Maybe spending a little time on her inner thigh or kissing her wrist is not such a bad idea. And by doing so, she will likely do it to you as well, and who knows, maybe penetration will take a backseat to sensation.

10 things you didn't know about Hitler: He loved being urinated & defecated on


Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party. He was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and dictator of Nazi Germany (as Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945. Hitler was at the centre of Nazi Germany, World War II in Europe, and the Holocaust. Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I.

1) He was a high school dropout
He was a high school dropout. Not only that, but he repeated his sixth year and was rejected twice from art school. This takes the phrase “Hitler's stupid” to a very different place. While absolutely agreeing that the man's coming into power and entire regime is stupid (in that ridiculous, horribly absurd way), there was a genius to his craft of speech to make people believe not only the insane things he claimed, but also that they could be achieved. That craft? As an orator. The root of dictator is shared with dictate: a speaking role, a performing role.

2) Artistic Ambitions
While having artistic ambitions, there are a lot of burgeoning movements that he simply couldn't stand: cabaret, expressionism, and jazz music, for example. This contradiction can be accounted for by the ideological background of the artists that worked in each of the fields. Cabaret, for instance, was actively in political opposition to nazism and supported the free love of homosexuals, ineffectual citizens, and debauchery in general. Expressionism, like jazz, is not inherently political although the practitioners were in large part Jewish. Unlike jazz, the link to the artistic style and Jewish tradition is not apparent in expressionism (which doesn't mean that Hitler's hatred isn't as well).

3) Times Magazine announced Hitler the Man of the Year
In 1938, Times Magazine announced Hitler the Man of the Year — although political correctness has corrected this to Person of the Year. Joseph Stalin got it the following year, and then again in 1942 (aside from Winston Churchill and George W. Bush, the only person to win twice). Sure enough, Time has made some silly choices for the award, such as Middle Americans, Baby Boomers, the computer, and — my personal favorite — You, but Hitler! This comes well after the publication of Mein Kampf and its translation into English. Oh well, this can serve as a warning. To be the Person of the Year, you must have power, political or otherwise. Hitler is a good example of what evils power can spawn.

4) Slept a lot
Next time you're told off for staying in bed until 11 o'clock, just tell the one complaining that you'll be a world leader one day because Hitler often woke at this time. Really, he did. Suffering from insomnia, it was quite normal for him to be up, busying himself by pacing diagonally in his room, giving himself (medical) enemas, or some other peculiar habit of his. The reported regular bedtime for him was around four or five in the morning. This is surprising given the success of his missions, but not altogether useless as leader, for it teaches people to live around you.

5) Hitler never took of his jacket in public
For an orator, personal appearance is very important. As a result, Hitler never took of his jacket in public (presumably afraid of sweat marks), always wore pre-tied neckties (heaven forbid it should be out of place!), only wore full-length underwear (not so easily explained), etc. And since we're here, we might as well take a bash at his mustache: no one could convince him that it didn't work with the get-up. One day, he deluded himself, it will catch on because everyone will want to be like the Führer. I personally think it suits Chaplin much better.

6) A real Don Juan type
There were a number of ladies — one of his nieces included — that didn't much mind the little mustache. These women all shared one other passion, aside from his mo: suicide, or at the very least a romancing of death. His first girlfriend committed suicide; his last attempted it twice before finally fulfilling the dream in 1945 with her lover in her arms. In between, the stories are no different. The man really had an effect on women! A real Don Juan type.

7) He liked being kicked
What these women got from him sexually is another question. Perhaps it would be better to say “what he got from them.” Psychological assessments of Hitler, undertaken in his lifetime, concluded that he probably adored being urinated and defecated on. In fact, any sexual report regarding the man, be it psychological or a recount, suggests that he was rather strange in the sack. For example, he supposedly begged to be kicked repeatedly by one woman and is said to have had his guards videotape the torture of Jewish people for his own home-viewing pleasure.

8) Afraid of blades
If it is true that he liked to be dominated, then this next Hitler quirk is a very curious counterpart: he was afraid of blades in other peoples hands to the point of feeling terrified during haircuts. This must stem from paranoia that many people wanted to take his life (which they did). For the same reason, he always shaved himself, just in case. It's really another exhibition of his weakness — apparent by simply looking at his frame — but it really is a wonderful to imagine Hitler screaming on the barber's chair as if he were at the dentist.

9) Hitler was a vegetarian
If you've invited Hitler for dinner it might be good to ask whether he has any special dietary requirements. He does; Hitler was a vegetarian. It would then be an opportune time to ask yourself what you're doing inviting a genocidal lunatic into your house, onto your table, to eat off of your forks. Chances are, he's not interested in joining you for the Hare Krishna hiking weekend, but he did see (after Richard Wagner) vegetarianism as bridging a spiritual divide. Supposedly, he saw the future of Germany as vegetarian — a long way from the knockwurst we know and love.

10) Hitler invented the concept of blow-up dolls
Don't hold your breath. You're not going to guess this one. In order to avoid the situation of his soldiers, who have the same needs as anybody else, sleeping with one another (in which case they would have to be executed) or sleeping with the locals of regions they visited (and potentially procreating with Jews and being executed for that), Hitler came up with yet another brilliant idea: the blow-up doll. You know that breath you're not holding? It suddenly has somewhere else to be. Complete the job without the complete set! Don't screw the system, screw this plastic thing instead! However the proposal was constructed, I'm sure it would have been — if recorded — one of the funniest moments in history.

15 Secrets and 10 Foods that increase your intelligence within 30 Days


Intelligence comes in two forms: crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence. Crystallized intelligence is stored-up information and how-to knowledge. This form of intelligence grows as you age. Fluid intelligence peaks in early adulthood and then begins to decline gradually with time. Psychologists now believe that this form of cleverness can be improved. By setting aside time to exercise your mind, you can become more creative, focus better, and solve problems quicker. Also, find out about the proper nutrients your brain needs for enhanced intelligence.

15 Secrets to Increasing I.Q.

1. Be Active

If you don’t exercise regularly, now is a good time to start. Exercise contributes to overall physical and mental health. Having a healthy body leads to development of intelligence.

2. Write

Some people find that a journal is a good way to organize thoughts. Simple writing helps you gain a new perspective when you go back and read what you wrote.

3. Meditate

Research shows that meditation makes you smarter. Meditation increases the ability of the brain to make physiological changes, increases gray and white brain matter, and enables “whole brain synchronization”. Whole brain synchronization allows the left side of the brain to be connected with the right hemisphere.

4. Think

Involve yourself with books, documentaries, or board games that require critical thinking skills. By challenging your current assumptions, you are making yourself smarter.

5. Read Every Day

Try to read something nonfiction at least 30 minutes each day. Reading increases your intelligence and keeps you well-informed.

6. Have Hobbies

Do the things you love on a regular basis. Whether it’s bowling, knitting, or fishing, the more fun you experience, the easier it will be for you to assimilate new information.

7. Study I.Q. Puzzles

I.Q. puzzles can be found at your local book store. To keep your mind sharp, go over these repeatedly.

8. Be Creative

Create something. Write an ebook, plant flowers, build a model car. Using your mind to create something improves your ability to think.

9. Explore New Cultures

Seek out different worldviews other than your own. Learn about other culture’s food, traditions, and language.

10. Play Competitive Games

Chess is a good example of a competitive game that adds to your cleverness. Log on to the Internet and play with others around the world. Facebook offers many competitive games.

11. Watch Specific TV Shows

Researchers have found that certain TV shows can help you improve intelligence. Watch shows that have overlapping plot strands, moral ambiguity, and a large number of primary characters.

12. Socially Network

According to a recent report in Discover Magazine, social interaction enhances synaptic activity of the brain.

13. Play Video Games

Moms across the world can all give a sigh of relief. Video games improve math abilities and classroom behavior.

14. Listen to Music

Recent research studies show there is a connection between listening to music and improved memory. Music listening also boosts skills in science and math.

15. Get Enough Sleep

Most people require between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. This time allows your brain to process the day by strengthening memories.

10 Foods that can Enhance Your I.Q.

1. Fish Oil

Whether you take supplements or eat wild salmon (or both), getting fish oil in your diet makes you smarter. Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are essential for brain function.

2. Vitamin B

The B vitamins improve memory and mood. Studies have shown that people who lack B vitamins in their bodies have greater mental decline. To get your Bs, eat turkey, beans, lentils, and bananas.

3. Breakfast

Dubbed “the most important meal of the day”, breakfast is brain food. Those who have a well-balanced breakfast show improved memory, creativity, focus, and overall performance.

4. Matcha

Matcha is a stone-ground, powered form of green tea, and it is an excellent food for increased mental alertness.

5. Antioxidants

These substances combat free-radicals in your body. To improve memory and problem solving, eat red kidney beans, blueberries, cranberries, and artichokes.

6. Ginkgo Biloba

Scientists have found that ginkgo biloba increases the blood flow to the brain to increase short-term memory, improve focus, and reduce dementia.

7. Avocado

This vegetable has monosaturated fat (the good kind), which increases blood flow. The brain needs blood to think. What’s more, avacados help lower blood pressure.

8. Meat and Fish

You find creatine in lean meat and fish. The body needs this substance for memory and intelligence. You can also buy creatine supplements at your local health food store.

9. Vitamin E

The E vitamin is necessary for brain health because it works as an antioxidant. Research has shown that Vitamin E delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Eat leafy green vegetables, kiwi, and nuts to up your intake of this vital nutrient.

10. Ginseng

This root improves mental stimulation, memory, and brain function. One recent report indicates that ginseng protects the brain from toxins.

HAPPY DRINKING: Taking 1 bottle of alcohol everyday helps fight heart failure


A new study says that having one drink each day is better for you than abstaining. The health benefits of including a moderate amount of alcohol in the diet have been vigorously debated in research. Now, a new study finds that drinking up to seven drinks a week is linked to a lower risk of developing heart failure in the future.

In a new study published in the European Heart Journal, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, analyzed data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, which included 14,629 participants aged between 45 and 64 years.

The participants were recruited between 1987 and 1989 and they were followed for 24-25 years.

Interviews were conducted with the participants on their drinking habits at the start of the study and at follow-up interviews conducted at 3-yearly intervals.

A major study of some 15,000 men and women found that moderate but frequent alcohol consumption in early to middle age could reduce the risk of heart failure—when the heart becomes too weak to pump blood around the body at the right pressure—by 20 percent for men and 16 percent for women.

While there are, of course, a vast number of risks associated with drinking, this research has been more comprehensive than most: the team at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston analyzed data from its participants over the course of 25 years, investigating their alcohol intake during three visits made every three years. They categorized people into six groups: abstainers (who consumed no alcohol in between visits), former drinkers, people who had up to seven drinks a week, those who consumed 7-14 drinks during that time, and those who drank more than 21 alcoholic beverages weekly.

Around 2,500 of the participants developed heart failure—which affects more than 23 million worldwide—over the course of the study, the lowest rates of which were present among the group consuming seven drinks each week. Those who identified as abstainers and participants in the group consuming 7-14 drinks weekly were found to have a near-identical likeliness of developing heart failure, further indication that being teetotal bears little impact on one’s risk of the ailment.…

Dear Women: Here are 24 foods that will naturally grow your buttocks bigger and attract every man



Protein is what typically every woman here will need to eat more of to help make your butt bigger. There is a common misconception that eating more protein or drinking protein shakes is only for bodybuilders. This could not be further from the truth. Every person on this planet requires protein rich foods for optimal health. In fact most people who aren’t working out or trying to grow would still benefit from increasing their protein consumption.

If you are exercising and trying to grow your bum, the amount of protein you require will increase, as protein lays down the building blocks for growth.

I recommend you try and get a protein source in every meal you eat. Around 15-30g of protein per meal. I also recommend you get yourself a good protein shake to drink after your workouts and possibly in a meal or two.

So what are some healthy sources of good protein for bigger buttocks:

1. Eggs
2. Skinless Chicken Breasts
3. Salmon
4. Tuna
5. Tilapia
6. Cottage Cheese
7. Turkey
8. Protein Powder
9. Steak
10. Beans & Legumes (kidney, chick peas, etc)
11. Extra Extra Lean Ground Beef
12. Vegetable Burger
13. Soya Nuts
14. Virtually Any Fish (not fried)
15. Most Lean Cut Meats
16. Quinoa
17. Brown Rice
18. Sweet Potatoes
19. Oats
20. Weetabix
21. Coos Coos
22. Ezekiel Bread
23. 100% Whole Grain Bread (sparingly)
24. Low Sugar Breakfast Cereal (sparingly)

Contrary to some old stereotypical bad beliefs that are still lingering on — fat does not make you fat. Excess calories and bad foods make you fat, and more prone to getting fat.

Healthy sources of good fats are essential, and can help to actually lose weight or achieve better body composition. Such healthy fat sources include:

1. Fish Fat/Oils (fish oil pills, salmon fat, etc)
2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3. Nuts (almonds, cashews, etc)
4. Peanut Butter (get the ones that contain only peanuts; typical peanut butter contains harmful additives like hydrogenated oils and sugar)
5. Almond Butter

10 shocking and unbelievable Se.xual Cultures and Practices


Sex can be a bonding or loving experience, a formality, fun and exciting, or even immoral or illegal. Whatever you want to call it, there's no doubt that sex makes the world go 'round. Every culture is different, with different morals and lifestyles, and that is a great word to describe these ten particular practices: Different.

Westerners might consider themselves somewhat sexually liberated, or at least headed in that direction, and while that may be the case, there are some societies out there that make us look like painfully repressed prudes. Some of these cultures no longer exist, but there will always be people to take their place.

From a tribe of semen-drinking men to the community of brothers sharing a wife, amaze yourself with these 10 shocking tribal sex traditions from around the world.

Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a very sexualized culture, with very few social stigmas for most free men and women. The ebb and flow of the Nile was even thought to be caused by their god of creation's ejaculation. This idea caused the pharaohs – with their god-given potency – to ritually masturbate into the Nile to ensure a wealth of water for crops. During the Egyptian festival of the god Min, who represented the pharaoh's sexual power, men regularly masturbated in public.

In Indonesia, there is a celebration called Pon. The event is held seven times a year, during which participants travel to a sacred mountain on the island of Java to perform a ceremony of good luck and fortune through sex. Participants have to spend the night and have intercourse with someone other than their wife or husband. It is said that their wishes of good luck will only come true if they have sex with the same person at all seven celebrations throughout the year.

Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece was one of the most sexually prolific and accepting societies in history. Homosexuality was a regular social convention, publicly embraced, but Ancient Greece's tolerance alone isn't what makes their sexual culture bizarre. Sexual desire was not distinguished by the gender of two people, bur rather by an active/passive role that each participant played. The "active" person was the penetrator, mirroring their role in society with high status, adulthood, and masculinity. The "passive" person was the penetrated, mirroring their submissive role as someone with lower standing, and a more youthful countenance associated with femininity.

The most common form of same-sex relationships in Greece were between an older male and an adolescent boy. Pederasty was socially accepted without stigmas because the older man was supposed to act as a role model - teaching, protecting, and loving - to the boy. This practice was called "paiderastia," or, simply, "boy love." Until the boy was able to grow a full beard, he was not considered a man.

The Deer Horn Muria are a forest-dwelling tribe who live deep in Central India's Chhattisgarh region. They practice something called Ghotul, which is a festive mingling of teenage men and women to teach them songs, lore, tribal dance… and sex. At night, they engage in ceremonial orgies and sexual romps. Girls drink a natural liquor as an herbal contraceptive to avoid pregnancy and then choose different sexual partners every night (talk about every juvenile boy's dream). If the herbal drink doesn't work and the girl becomes pregnant, the entire village will adopt the baby since no one knows for sure who the father is. And here we thought the West was sexually liberated.

Saut-d'Eau is a municipality in Haiti, and its waterfalls are an annual site of religious importance. Every summer in July, voodoo practitioners and religious enthusiasts make a pilgrimage to the holy site to take part in a Eucharistic rite, worshiping the goddess of love. The penultimate devotional activity involves everyone bathing naked under the waterfalls, asking for heavenly favors. Then, some extreme participants take part in a sexual dance, still naked, writhing around in a mixture of mud and the blood of sacrificed animals.

The "people of the taboo," or Wodaabe, are a tribe in Niger known for their beauty and rich cultural ceremonies. Traditionally, a person's first marriage is arranged by their parents while they're infants, and they must be married to cousins of the same lineage. At the annual Gerewol festival, Wodaabe men dress in elaborate costumes and makeup and then stand in a line in front of women to show off their beautiful teeth, faces, and features. Women pick new husbands from the men they are most impressed by, and if the new couple leaves without their current husband knowing, they become socially recognized. As opposed to the formal first marriage, this form of union is called a "love marriage."

The Himalayas
In the populated Himalayas, there is not much land available for farming and grazing, so families with more than one son would have to divide their land when each son starts his own family, providing even less agriculture per family. The solution to this is in finding a single wife for all of the sons of a family so that they can keep the plot and land intact. In some Nepalese communities, many brothers might share a single wife. Anthropologists call this form of polyandrous societal practice "fraternal polyandry", where a group of brothers share one wife. Apparently, the wife must be adept at scheduling time with each brother to keep jealous flares from rising.

Papau New Guinea
Papau New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries on the planet with 848 different languages and as many traditional societies. The Trobriand tribe practices magic spells and passes them down through generations, often directing their spells to induce erotic feelings in their lover or to make a person beautiful. The beauty spells are chanted into coconut oil and then rubbed onto a person's skin. Also, the tribe is known for becoming sexually active at a young age. Girls often start having sex by the age of 6 to 8, while boys start at 10 to 12, with no social stigma. Another interesting titbit, while pre-marital sex is fine, pre-marital meal-sharing is not. Couples are not supposed to go out for dinner together until they are married but they can have sex before marriage.

Papau New Guinea Again
The Sambian tribe's sexual practices are more extreme than their Trobriand neighbors. Boys from Sambian society are removed from the presence of females at the age of seven, living in a community of only males for 10 years. Their skin is pierced to remove "contamination" brought upon by interaction with women, and they consume large amounts of sugarcane to incur nose-bleeding and vomiting. They drink the semen of their elders to retain growth, strength, and sexual potency, and when they are reintroduced to society, they continue their nose-bleeding habit to mirror their wives' menstrual cycle.

For the faint of heart, turn away now. The Mardudjara Aborigines of Australia have one of the most shocking boyhood-to-manhood transformations out there. At the age of 10 or 12, a boy has his front tooth knocked out and his septum pierced. He is considered symbolically dead at this point, and then he is taken into the wilderness by other men, circumcised, and then expected to ingest his foreskin without chewing. He is mute throughout the entire process. Then his penis is cut lengthwise on the underside, the blood is dripped over a fire to purify it, and from then on the male urinates from the underside of his penis. Then all of the men go hunting, return to camp with food and covered in blood, and the boy is considered reborn as an adult male.

NOTICE: This is what you must do tonight to have best ever se.x session with your partner


We've all been there: Sex with your partner is good, but it's thisclose to being mind-blowing. But, while you probably know what it takes to get you off, spelling out exactly where he's going wrong can be a little…soul-crushing.

So what can you do? Experts swear it's possible to teach your partner to be better in bed without hurting anyone's feelings.

"We should all be teaching one another," says Jessica O'Reilly, Ph.D., Astroglide's resident sexologist. No one is born a great cook—it's a skill you cultivate. … We really should treat sex the same way and draw from a variety of sources, bearing in mind that there is no right way to cook or have sex—we each have very different tastes."

It might actually go over better than you'd think, says licensed marriage and sex therapist Kat Van Kirk, Ph.D. "Technique can certainly be taught," she says. "In fact, most partners welcome the information."

Of course, saying "this just isn't working for me" in the heat of the moment isn't going to go over well, but there are things you can do and say to teach your S.O. to push the right buttons. Here's what experts recommend:

Speak up in bed

In bed, offer a little guidance and tell your partner what you like. "Any feedback is good feedback as long as it's constructive," Van Kirk says. "Partners need information and you should feel empowered to give it. You deserve it, after all." She recommends non-verbal cues, like pulling him in, moving his hand with yours, or kissing him more deeply when he hits the right spots, as well as using sounds (think: moaning louder) when something feels good. You also shouldn't be afraid to ask for more when something feels right, O'Reilly says. And, when you're talking after sex, you can be specific about what really did it for you.

Let GoT be your guide

When you're watching something sexy with your partner, point out stuff that seems hot, like how two characters undress each other, and how they interact, O'Reilly says. If there's a particular move or position that turns you on, say something about it.

Take the reins

If you're looking to mix things up (and want to make sure you get your rocks off in the process), play the role of dominatrix, O'Reilly says. Tell your partner you're in charge tonight and then give explicit instructions on what you want him to do to you. It's a great way to get across what turns you on—with feedback—without being obvious that the regular stuff isn't working for you.

Show exactly what you want—on your partner

If you know a little nipple action or oral is what gets you going, do it to your partner first. Rub, kiss, and lick him the way you'd like him to do it to you, O'Reilly suggests—he'll likely return the favor. And, if he doesn't get the hint, gently guide his hands/head toward the area you want or simply say, "Now, it's my turn."

Trade sexual favors

Odds are, your partner has something that really does it for him, too, so offer to trade sexual favors, O'Reilly suggests. Tell him plainly: If he does [insert hot move here] for you, you'll reciprocate with the move of his choice. Just talking about it will get you both revved up.

Above all, experts say you shouldn't be afraid to take action. After all, your S.O. won't know about your needs if you don't share them—and will likely welcome the feedback.

8 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer with 12 ways of prevention


On World Cancer Day and everyone is encouraged to wear pink colours as a symbol of support to those who are affected by this dreadful illness.
Here are the signs and symptoms of cancer:
1. Irregular borders on moles (ragged, notched, or blurred edges)
2. Moles that are not symmetrical (one half doesn’t match the other)
3. Colours that are not uniform throughout
4. Moles that are bigger than a pencil eraser
5. Itchy or painful moles
6. New moles
7. Sores that bleed and do not heal
8. Red patches or lumps

Ways to protect yourself

1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun when possible.
2. Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15.
· SPF refers to how long a person will be protected from a burn. (SPF 15 means a person can stay in the sun 15-times longer before burning.) SPF only refers to UVB protection.
3. To protect against UVA, look for products containing: Mexoryl, Parsol 1789, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or avobenzone.
4. Sunscreen performance is affected by wind, humidity, perspiration, and proper application.
5. Throw away sunscreens after 1–2 years (they lose potency).
6. Apply liberally (minimum of 1 oz) at least 20 minutes before sun exposure.
7. Apply to ears, scalp, lips, neck, tops of feet, and backs of hands.
8. Reapply at least every 2 hours and each time a person gets out of the water or perspires heavily.
9. Some sunscreens may lose their effectiveness when applied with insect repellents.
10. You may need to reapply more often.
11. Wear clothing with a tight weave or high-SPF clothing.
12. Wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses with UV protection and side panels.

S.ex positions you use describe your character: Every man who loves Dog.gysty|e is selfish


WHEN it comes to sex, men and women have always had theories about how to size each other up.

Some people claim that certain attributes like a man’s hands can tell them if he is well endowed or not, while some claim that a woman’s choice of drink at a bar can tell you if she is conservative in bed or a total wild cat!

While some of these theories are completely unfounded, have you ever wondered what your favourite sex position reveals about your personality or the nature of the person you are dating?

We asked top sexologist Dr Elna McIntosh and relationship counsellor Lethabo Ntsasa to narrow down popular sex positions and the kind of personalities they are indicative of.

1. The missionary position
This is probably the most common sex position out there. It basically involves the man being on top of the woman. Dr McIntosh says this is the perfect position for men who like to show off their skill.

"This position is for the 'gym guys’ that like to show off upper body strength. It gives the man total control, and that can translate to being selfish," she says.

What it says about the woman: "She is very timid, and very submissive to her man. She is probably a bit shy, or even conservative. She enjoys the feeling of closeness that comes with this position," says Ntsasa.

What it says about the man: "He is not afraid of intimacy, and probably cares about the person he’s making love to. Remember, this position involves a lot of eye contact, and the leeway to kiss and nibble as much as possible, which can be a sign of intimacy," he says.

2. The doggy style position
This is the position that involves penetration from the rear end, with the other partner facing the other way, usually on their knees. Dr McIntosh says that it is usually more pleasurable to the male in the situation.

"The doggy-style position offers deep penetration, but there is not much direct clitoral stimulation, which can suit the selfish man that likes to perform to a mirror and watch himself, while chances of his partner having an orgasm in this position is virtually zero."

What is says about the woman: "She’s a pleaser. She is definitely not afraid to relinquish control and let her man have his way with her. This can signify a woman who puts others before her own needs," Ntsasa says.

What it says about the man: "He has a fear of intimacy. This is the kind of guy who prefers a lack of eye contact, so that he can drift off into his own world and have his fantasies."

3. Woman on top
This is a position that is the opposite of the missionary position, as it involves the woman being on top. Dr McIntosh says this is a favourite for lazy men.

"This position is definitely for the 'I don’t like to do any work man ’– she is bound to orgasm due to direct clitoral stimulation. It is a position for guys with the more chilled and laid-back personality."

What it says about the woman: "It can definitely reveal a bit of a perfectionist or control-freak personality, but it can also reveal an independent attitude, and a woman who has no self-deprecation issues," Ntsasa says.

What it says about the man: "This man has no problem being submissive to his partner. This position can definitely reveal a nonchauvinistic personality, and a deep respect for the woman," he says.

4. The standing position
This is the sex position where both partners are on their feet, but can balance with a wall or the shower to avoid tumbling down. The man can also do the heavy lifting and literally carry the woman up throughout the routine.

What it says about the woman: "She is willing to go the extra mile. She is also spontaneous, and likes to think out of the box."

What is says about the man: "He is an adventure seeker. He gets easily bored with monotony, and likes to try new things," Ntsasa says.

LATEST on shot Budiriro business man


The Budiriro businessman who was shot dead by armed was also run over by their vehicle.

Lameck Murimi’s brother, Moses said the family was still in shock. “We are still yet to ascertain what transpired. As of now, all the family members do not know what exactly happened. We believe that he was ambushed at the gate,” he said adding that they were still not sure about the amount of money he was carrying.

“What we discovered missing were the two laptops that he usually moves around with in his vehicle and other documents,” Moses said.

Reports say robbers trailed him from his business premises in Budiriro before fatally shooting him.

Lameck operated bottle stores and a general dealer’s shop at Currant Shopping Centre in Budiriro.

National police spokesperson Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi said no arrests had been made by late yesterday and investigations were in progress.

“Investigations are still in progress and we are still looking for the suspects. Anyone with information that might lead to their arrest should contact any nearest police station or contact the National Complaints Desk on (04) 703631,” he said.

He said investigations carried out so far revealed that after shooting Lameck, the robbers ran over him using their getaway vehicle before they fled the scene.

Lameck will be buried in Rusape on a date to be advised.

Source: Online

Reasons why you should marry a NDEBELE woman


 Many reasons have been written before on why you should marry a Ndebele woman. Here are five more reasons :

She is Not Selfish – The backbone of a lasting marriage is self-giving, selflessness. This is a higher level of commitment. I am not saying you should lose yourself and become a ‘slave’. Ndebele women are raised to not be selfish, but to reciprocate love and give excessively to her family and children. I strongly feel it was Ndebele women who first demonstrated “Ubuntu”. That said, there is a difference between having healthy boundaries and being selfish.Selfishness causes a breakdown in intimacy and vulnerability and leads to always being suspicious of your partner. Healthy boundaries create an environment that fosters open, honest and respectful communication.

So if you meet a Ndebele woman who is not selfish, marry her.

She is Not Jealous – A lot of women are jealous by nature, and that doesn’t change when they get married. So I recommend the Ndebele woman who is taught to manage her jealousy for the sake of community living; for the sake of creating a happy home. I’m not talking about a woman who is prepared to ‘put up’ with anything. Yes, some may argue that a healthy level of jealousy is actually good for a relationship. A little is OK but too much of it brings insecurity, and is an expression of low self-esteem. A Ndebele woman does not behave in an unseemly manner. She has learnt how to balance her own expectations with that of others, and maintain her dignity.

If you meet a Ndebele woman who is not jealous, marry her.
She is Not Materialistic – The majority of Ndebele women dream of getting married to a man who will take really good care of them. A man that understands and lives the words – “for better or worse, until death do us part”. A Ndebele woman doesn’t want to get married for money, although there is nothing wrong with living a comfortable life. For a Ndebele woman, a happy family is more important than riches. .

If you meet a Ndebele woman who is not after your money, marry her.

She Loves S_ex but Won’t Cheat – Ndebele women love s_ex, for fun and procreation. She understands that s_ex isn’t everything in a relationship, but she will give you the best s_ex of your life – a close-to-heaven, out-of-body-in-your-body experience. Her desire is to be satisfied by the man she loves, and not to be satisfied for the sake of satisfaction.Her s_ex drive is high and she will satisfy her husband without complaining – especially not of a headache!

If you meet a Ndebele woman who loves s_ex and doesn’t cheat, marry her.

She Loves God – A Ndebele woman is always spiritual and you can’t divorce her from her beliefs. Prayer is not a routine but a lifestyle. The day starts and ends with prayer. She knows that her true beauty is revealed in the presence of God. She attends church regularly and has a good report among her peers. You will certainly be in good hands because daily, she will pray for your health, job, business, and children. She is a lover of Jesus and understands the value of His death on the cross. She talks the talks and walks the walk, and practices what she preaches.

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