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Soul Jah Love 'Chibaba' Bares His Soul


CONTROVERSIAL Zimdancehall artiste Soul Jah Love ‘Chibaba’ has defended his continuous absence at shows he would have been paid to perform at, saying this is due to diabetes, an ailment which he was diagnosed with when he was seven-years-old.

While some had since concluded that the artiste simply fails to perform as a result of drug and alcohol abuse, Soul Jah Love claims this is not the case as his blood sugar levels will be too low for him to perform.

Chibaba, real name Soul Musaka, shocked many during Wednesday’s Drive Time show on Star FM when he opened up about his condition to presenter – KVG during an interview.

“When I fail to pitch up to a show, it’s usually because my blood sugar levels will be very low. I can’t even give that as a reason because people just say I was high on drugs, which isn’t the case,” said Soul Jah Love.

He blamed the drug abuse rumours on his face which he said resembled that of a druggie.

“My face looks as if I’m a drug addict. My prayer is that God vindicates me and people who I’ve wronged to forgive me.”

The artiste, whose marriage to fellow dancehall artiste – Bounty Lisa – is always on an off, was quick to say only his close family and friends understood him and the struggles that he has been through.

“People who are close to me know how I live with diabetes especially my manager – Wallace, who’s also my friend. He’s seen me through it all, supporting me when I was low,” said Soul Jah Love.

Because of his ‘condition’, Soul Jah Love has had to fire most of his managers who would have failed to get him medication on time.

“My blood sugar levels once went low when I was at an airport in Kenya. My manager failed to get an injection for my insulin on time and

I really had difficulties stabilising my sugar levels.

“When I fire managers, people think I’m wrong, but it’ll be because they’d have failed to secure such critical stuff on time as I’ll sometimes be on the brink of death.”

Soul Jah Love said Dai Hupenyu Hwaitengwa, his forthcoming album, was inspired by his battle with diabetes, and is a project meant to make listeners appreciate life, especially good health.

“Dai Hupenyu Hwaitengwa is a very emotional album as I’ll be singing in a way that people can feel my pain through my voice.

I’m one artiste who prefers to sing about real issues unlike singing about flashy cars like Porsche or a double storey house that I don’t have.”

He said he is usually sick but prefers to be strong as he is passionate about his career.

“Even when I’m doing radio interviews like this one, I’ll be sick but I have to be strong because I’m doing it for my career,” said Soul Jah Love.

The artiste’s shows nationally are synonymous with controversy as Soul Jah Love does not pitch up for shows he is booked for, with many people questioning who is to blame for his behaviour.

In some instances, he takes to the stage, chants: “Chibababa . . . conquering” and leaves, angering many fans who are now convinced he will be taking them for a ride.

But two years ago, Chibaba ran out of luck as he was arrested in Mutare for allegedly defrauding show promoter and businessman, Esau Mupfumi of $750 after collecting his performance fee and failing to perform.

Mai Chisamba: Nhai Ndakadyiswa Here? (SEE RESPONSE)


MAI CHISAMBA, thank you so much for your column, now we can write to someone who is independent of our families and get fair solutions pasina tsvete or favour.

I am a happily married man aged 36 and my beloved wife is 34. We are blessed with two kids, a boy aged 12 and a girl who is 10. I enjoy doing household chores, I help most of the time. I cook, do laundry, clean and so on. My wife is hard working too, at times we alternate our duties. We are both gainfully employed but still we enjoy cooking for ourselves even though we have a maid.

Sometime last year my mother came to our house unannounced and found me busy working in the kitchen while my wife was taking a nap. She got so upset and wanted to know whether my wife was sick or not. When I told her that it was my turn all she said was zirema. I made her a cup of tea which she refused to take. When my wife finally came to join us in the lounge mai vanga votofemereka nehasha. I was shocked by what my mother did, she just did not have any kind words for my wife – she complained bitterly kuti ndakadyiswa. My wife was so confused she did not know what amai was up to. Before we calmed her down my sister drove in and said tauya kuzotora mai.

After this Mai Chisamba, there was drama in the family. My sisters even tetewo my father’s sister munhu mukuru suggested kuti vafambe neni ndinorutsiswa. I do not even understand what this means. The family relations have been so strained ndiri kungoudzwa zvakawanda about my wife. My mother has vowed never to set foot at my house again until vafamba neni because I am no longer normal. We later discovered that the maid ndiye aitaura with my sisters kuti hanzvadzi yenyu chave chitototo chaicho. They have isolated my wife and she is so unhappy. Please advise me could it be true that ndakadyiswa? Should I listen to what my mother and family are saying? Pane zvine mukadzi wangu here zvandisingaone? All we did is to continue the lifestyle that we had when we worked out of the country for 10 years.


Thank you so much for reading my column. It is most refreshing to hear about people who are so much in love. You sound as if you are still at your romantic stage even if you have been married for more than a decade, well done I give you full marks for that. How I wish more couples would emulate that.

To me you are a perfect couple taking turns to help each other, that is awesome. If I were in your shoes the first thing would be to relieve the maid of her duties with immediate effect. Instead of giving her the official three months’ notice, pay her off because she will undo whatever you try to work on because of her relationship with your people.

It is shameful that your sister fished for information from muroora’s maid, that is sinking very low. I think your mother overstepped her limits. She was bossy and arrogant for nothing. Your letter says you enjoy helping out so these are things that you are not compelled to do. Her confrontation with your wife was uncalled for. In my view you are actually an extra normal guy who wants the best for his family, do not be intimidated hapana kudyiswa apa.

If you worked for 10 years out of the country it falls into place that you are used to doing the chores because out there it is not easy to get domestic service. My advice is do not degrade yourself by going kunorutsiswa, there is nothing wrong with you.

Do not listen to anyone who talks against your wife regarding this issue hapana chaakatadza. If your mother does not want to come to your house because she found you doing what you enjoy best let it be, she shall see sense later. I suggest you go and talk nana sekuru and mbuyas from your mother’s side and explain your stance.

Mai vakataurwa navo your sisters will follow suit because vari kungotevedzera sezvireyi kana kuti ngoro. In the meantime continue doing what you love best. Enjoy your marriage, wedzerayi rudo there is nothing wrong with both of you. The isolation will come to pass hapana akatadzirwa saka hapana nyaya. Always pray for your families there is immense power in prayer. Be of good cheer and take care.

Mai Chisamba: I'm Pregnant By My Boss (SEE RESPONSE)


I am a 20-year-old woman. I did O-Level but did not pass even one subject.

Instead of just staying at home I decided to come to town and work as a maid. The woman I work for is a true Christian because when I hear stories from other maids dzekuti vanobatwa sei I am very shocked. The couple I work for is quite a young one they only have one baby boy aged two, they are both in their late twenties. Baba vacho made advances one weekend when the wife was out on a workshop. I wanted to report this to his wife but he told me that he loved me more than his wife and would want to marry me as a second wife. He has so far bought me a beautiful top of the range cellphone inotokunda yaamai mufunge.

This has been going on for a year now. When his wife is away I also call him by his first name. My mother has no problem with this because she said to me adiwa adiwa hake chero achida kukuroora. He is a very generous man he gives me money, now I can afford to send provisions to my family back home. The reason why I have written to you is I am now two months pregnant and all of a sudden he doesn’t look as keen as he used to.

He used to come back home during odd hours pretending to have forgotten something asi rwuri rudo rwekuti timbofara. I suggested that he gets me alternative accommodation before I bulge up, now he says dzokera kumusha tozoronga uriko. Do you think if I go home he will come and marry me? Do you think his wife will embrace me as an equal? Please help, I do not know what to do.


I know you did not pass your O-Level but for someone who went up to that level you sound so foolish and show a very low reasoning capacity. A woman of your calibre aspiring to be a second wife kutoronga kunoita chigamba, why? This guy did not rape you, you fell for him willingly.

In your own words you say his wife treats you with respect, she does not treat you as a maid so why bite the hand that feeds you? I am shocked by your mother’s comments kuti adiwa adiwa, what a parent! I thought she would be mad at you. At her age she should know that love triangles are full of risks in the wake of diseases such as HIV and AIDS.

There can be violence or even deaths when such affairs are exposed. Your mother would rather have a box of groceries than protect your life, what a shame. You did not do well at school I thought this was a good chance to improve yourself academically because learning does not end. You should have known better, this guy was just taking advantage of you he never loved you at all, maybe to him you were his stay in concubine (pfambi). He knew you were so petty wakazvipotsera because of a few extra dollars and a phone. The saddest thing is baby is on the way and you have no plans for the kid. It is cruel to create families you cannot take proper care of. The child may temporarily bring your plans on hold because unomusiira ani uchitsvaga basa?

I base my response on your letter, you say this guy is no longer as keen as before so I doubt very much if he will come to marry you. To me he is just an abuser and a womaniser who took advantage of a poor maid. If the wife finds out obviously she will not be amused considering that she treated you well, she may go legal and sue you for adultery. Personally I think the best thing is to quit employment and go back home before the cat is out of the sack.

When baby is born go to court and claim for child support. Close this nasty chapter in your life and move on, leave this guy alone he has already messed up your life.

You are still young and full of potential usade zvechipari you should not spend the rest of your life as a second class citizen uchimirira duty rekuti baba vanouya rinhi kwako. If you want a good life you have to work for it do not sell your body for food and phones. Keep your pride. I would be happy to hear from you again.

5 Reasons Why Women Really Cheat

Psychologist Thato says reasons for both men and women cheating boils down to a lack of backbone.
 “Women cheat for the same reasons men do, such as lack of discipline to keep their word, lack of integrity to be honest when they are unhappy, and lack of courage to leave and start afresh. All the aforementioned are a big fat lack of backbone.”
1.Sihle, 26, in a relationship says she benefits from cheating.
“I cheat not because I don’t love my man, but truth is love is not enough. My other guy is taking care of things that my man can’t afford.
"I ended up in a situation where I started cheating because one man came into my life and introduced things I never used to get from my boyfriends. The man I was cheating with was married but he gave me enough attention, made me feel special bought my clothes, took me to school. Once a man shows you they can do everything your man can’t, those things attract you to them. He took care of me the way I wanted to be loved and cared for.
“It becomes a vicious cycle and it’s hard to let go of that habit.”
2.Thembi who does not cheat but has a friend who is involved with two men says women are more dangerous cheats than men.
“When women cheat, they are not easily caught. They are actually more dangerous. I know a close friend who is cheating with her man's best friend and they have been keeping it a secret for years.
“I don’t cheat and will never do it. It is easier for a woman to say no to cheating than a man.”
3.Communication assistant Ayanda says she cheated because her man was too busy to give her attention.
“I wasn’t getting enough attention. My man was too busy when I needed him. I turned my time to someone who gave me all the attention. I did not have to ask him to call, visit or sms to remind him that I am his woman, he was willing to sacrifice his weekends and time with his friends just to be with me. I eventually broke it off because of guilt, it’s not in me to cheat. On the other hand, the truth is women never consider other ladies' feelings. They just don’t care. When an opportunity to cheat comes, they will cheat.”
4.Candice says she once cheated on her four-year relationship with her ex boyfriend to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“I cheated because my man was cheating, I just wanted to feel how it’s like to not consider your partners feeling.”
She adds: “He caught me out and it's funny how he was shocked that I could do the same. I did not feel good about cheating instead it made me feel unhappy.
“The guy I was cheating with was also cheating on his woman. She found out and called me pouring out her heart and that was the end. I felt guilty because I had been through the same scenario.”
5.Felicity had a one night stand with her ex boyfriend whilst in a relationship because she still found him attractive.
“I was attracted to bad boys and my ex was exactly that. I was always somehow into him even though we were not together. One time we hooked up with old friends and he happened to be there. I simply cheated because I was attracted to him and wanted an intimate experience with him since we never went that far during our time together.”
NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the identity of of our sources.

Concrete Proof That These Prophets Are Taking People For A Ride


Zimbabwe, this year, faces the worst drought in recent years with devastating effects threatening the livelihood of millions.

AS we entered into the year 2016, exactly seven weeks ago, the country reverberated with messages of a prosperous and stable Zimbabwe coming. Walter Magaya of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance ministries prophesied, for the umpteenth time, that the New Year was to become the harbinger of great things to come.

“God said to me, 2016 is the year of overflow and abundance,” Magaya told multitudes of his followers gathered at his Waterfalls Church in Harare, prompting them to break into song and dance. Magaya said before he made the declaration about 2016, he had spent the greater part of December interceding and seeking God’s plans.

He travelled to Nigeria for confirmation of his prophecy. He even went a step further in reinforcing his prophecy by mentioning that renowned Nigerian preacher TB Joshua had affirmed his prophecy. “I went to ask my spiritual father and he confirmed this. Yes, I know we are going through tough times as a country, but this year, it is a year of overflow. I asked him [TB Joshua], my father, this is what the Lord is telling me, but look at our situation as a country, as Africa, is this true? He said it is true.”

Strange, isn’t it that one would seek to verify a message supposedly coming from God with another mortal being? But knowing that a 2014 survey showed that Zimbabweans make the largest number of nationals flocking to the West African preacher’s citadel, this surely would give credence to the prophecy and it did. Newspaper pages bristled with the headlines; I recall particularly one which screamed, “TB Joshua confirms Zimbabwean prosperity prophecy.”

It became the news as we turned into the New Year. What further cemented the prophecy was the echoing of the same prophecy by another Zimbabwean preacher with a significant following Emmanuel Makandiwa in Chitungwiza as he declared 2016 a year of “great harvest.” “This is a year of great harvest as there will be no depression and sorrows,” Makandiwa said.

Now, it must be clear that Emmanuel Makandiwa has been at the forefront, year in, year out, for the past six years prophesying economic boom for Zimbabweans. The beginning of each New Year since 2010 when his ministry took off has been marked by enchanting prosperity prophecies. The man once mentioned that gold will be picked from the ground in 2013 as he prophesied massive prosperity for the country. Recently, he made another comic prophecy that there were oil reserves underneath. The prophecy resulted in a skirmish with politician Professor Jonathan Moyo.

Now these are the most notable prophets in Zimbabwe whose prophecies rhymed. It would appear they also set the tone for the rest of the prophecies that would follow from up and coming prophets throughout the country. Of all these hair-perming prophets none has prophesied the everyday catastrophic realities we have witnessed in the country in the last five years.

Zimbabwe this year faces the worst drought in recent years with devastating effects threatening the livelihoods of millions. None of all the prophecies thrown forward picked such a momentous disaster but they all saw prosperity. The prophets continue to sing from the same erroneous hymn book. They have continued to fail dismally in their apparent guess work disguised as prophecy.

One other noteworthy point as many other people have pointed out is that these new age prophets thrive on saying sugary things that caress the ears of listeners. They have to maintain hope at all cost and by all means, fair or foul. As a result, we heard the echo of the same prophecy from the ‘minor’ prophets who seemed to be parroting the words of the ‘major’ prophets.

However, reality on the ground has been the greatest betrayer of these prosperity merchants. Zimbabwe is far from the prophesied country that would attain the huge prosperity as we have heard in the past few years. If anything the country’s political and economic fortunes could not be any worse at this time and evidently in the future. As things stand the factional fights characterizing the political landscape threaten the stability of the country.

One would immensely wonder how neither of the numerous prophets in this country failed to foresee the cruel El Nino facing the country today. How these prophets missed the drought threatening livelihoods of thousands in the rural area defies the mind. The country may soon face sugar shortages and inflation rose last week yet none saw all these undesirables and ‘God’ showed them the economy flourishing.

Harare currently is groaning as excavators continue to raze built houses to the ground and nursing mothers have to brave the harsh weather. Could this be prosperity by another name? The last year July ruling which threw over 20,000 bread winners in the streets has caused a fresh exodus to hostile foreign lands while we continue being bombarded with these patently false prophecies.

It remains unfortunate that caught between a hard place and a rock, hopeless Zimbabweans would rather cling to the hope of a never coming prosperity.


Five Facts you probably Did Not Know about Emmanuella

Emmanuella, is the fast rising young comedian from Nigeria who won a lot of people’s hearts when she starred in a short comic clip. She snapped many people’s ribs in the scene where she said ‘This is not my real face’.
The prodigious Emmanuella is receiving lots of love from all over the world on social media.
Here are Five Facts You Didn’t know about her
1. Here real name is Emanuella Samuel.
2. She Is Five (5) Years Old.
3. Emanuella Is Mark Angel’s Cousin in real life.
4. Emanuella Is In Primary one (Basic One).
5. She Just Won G Influence Niger Delta Special Talent Award 2015.

'My girlfriend's mother is flirting with me'


Hi Sis Noe

I am teaching my girlfriend’s mother Mathematics and Science. The problem is that she loves touching me and on WhatsApp she flirts with me. She is always home alone when I am teaching her because my girlfriend works, her husband died years ago. I am on leave from work. When I tell her I will teach her in the evening when my girlfriend is around she refuses and tells me she wants to be with me alone. What is going on? — Curious.


I think you know what is going on. She is seducing you and she wants to have sex with you. Trust your instincts and run for the hills boy before it’s too late. If you don’t feel comfortable with this woman’s suggestion, if you worry that she has an ulterior motive for getting you in her house, then tell her you are going to stop tutoring her. She needs to understand that you are an up-front guy. You do not tolerate nonsense. If she wants sex, tell her to get a boyfriend. If she is failing to get one, direct her to me, I will get her a boyfriend. You don’t lie to your girlfriend and you don’t sneak into houses or have secrets. Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by anyone.


Hi Sis Noe

MY boyfriend is after sex only. We don’t go out and he does not buy me stuff. All he wants is to have sex with me. If I refuse he leaves or does not come to see me. We never go out, everytime we are together we will be in the bedroom having sex. The sex is good I don’t want to lie but it seems that is all he wants. — Tired.


This guy only wants to penetrate you, nothing more. He is not interested in who you are, he is only interested in sex.

He sounds utterly appalling — he is a user and sleaze ball. We are all allowed to admit that we have made a mistake.

Being with him was the mistake you made. My feeling is that you could be so much better off without him. You can never know a person until you have spent some time with them. Now that you know him better, you finally realise that he is about as interesting as a plank of wood. That is fine. You and he have nothing in common and he is not what you are looking for, so cut your losses and move on. I suggest you brush yourself off, make it clear to him that you and he have no future and start afresh. You will have much better sex in future with someone you actually love and respect.

25 diseases and medical conditions that can be cured by simply having se.x


Sex often leads to deadly diseases and subsequent death if done wrongly, however, when a faithful couple engages in sex at the right time, in the right way, it is said to be a remedy for curing lot’s of diseases and medical conditions.

Below are 25 known medical conditions researchers, doctors and scientists have discovered that sex can easily get rid of:

1. Depression:
Without the help of researchers, just about anyone can agree that sex will make you feel good about yourself and just a bit more confident. But one researcher has said there’s a scientific explanation that goes a bit farther. Professor Gordon Gallop says that there’s an unknown chemical in semen that has an antidepressant effect on women.

2. Pregnancy:
Sex is both the cause and the cure for pregnancy. Women who are ready to induce labor often have sex to speed up the process, and research backs up this method. Semen contains prostaglandins, which help the cervix prepare to open, and orgasms produce
oxytocin, which will help cause contractions.

3. Headaches:
Although sex can sometimes bring on a headache, it can cure them too. The tension release your body experiences during and after sex can ease restricted blood vessels in the brain.

4. Menstrual cramps:
Sex acts as an analgetic to relieve menstrual pain, primarily because of the relaxation and endorphins sex brings.

5. Arthritis:
In his book, "How to Treat Arthritis with Sex and Alcohol," rheumatologist Carter V. Multz asserts that sex, as well as alcohol and other complementary treatments, can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis.

6. Common cold:
Manfred Schedlovski, a Swiss researcher from Zurich, asserts that sex has a positive effect on phagocytes, which are a part of the immune system that goes after alien bodies, like cold germs, and kills them. Phagocytes are increased signficantly during sex, and will often double after orgasm.

7. Stress:
Orgasms offer a great way to relax, and even nonorgasmic sex offers some relief. Dr. Joshua Golden asserts sex’s relaxation properties, as well as emotional benefits.

8. Tooth decay:
Kissing, as well as oral sex, encourages saliva production. This increase in saliva helps to wash food particles from your teeth, prevents plaque build-up, and helps lower decay-causing acid. Additionaly,
seminal plasma has been shown to help prevent tooth decay.

9. Erectile dysfunction:
By exercising your Kegel muscles with frequent sex and delaying ejaculation, men can help strengthen muscles enough to help with minor erection problems.

10. High blood pressure:
Semen has been found to lower blood pressure in women. Specifically, swallowing semen can help ward off preeclampsia, which is a dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes occurs during pregnancy.

11. Insomnia:
Many people find that the relaxation they experience after sex helps them go to sleep.

12. Prostate cancer:
Men who ejaculate more frequently have been found to be at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.

13. Hangovers:
Sex may not save your liver, but it will help you shake off a funk. Having sex will help boost your endorphins and oxytocins, which stimulate muscle contraction and help you avoid aggressiveness.

14. Toxic system:
Sex gets your blood pumping faster, which helps to rid the body of waste.

15. Heart disease:
Studies have shown that if men have sex twice a week or more, they tend to have a lower risk of heart attack. For women, increased levels of estrogen
caused by sex help to protect against heart disease.

16. Stubborn wounds:
Studies have found that oxytocin, which is released during sex, can help wounds heal faster.

17. Low energy:
Sex increases energy through exercise and emotional well-being.

18. Minor cognitive problems:
Whenever you become sexually excited or have an orgasm, the hormone DHEA is released. DHEA has been found to improve cognition.

19. Skin irritations:
The sweat released during sex will cleanse your pores, helping to relieve rashes, blemishes, and other skin problems.

20. Pain:
Orgasm releases endorphins, which will alleviate pain for just about everything.

21. Obesity:
Although few doctors are likely to prescribe a sex diet, the fact is that sex is a form of exercise. Performing the act of sex requires physical activity that will burn calories and strengthen your heart. It’s an especially great exercise for those who have little motivation to get to the gym.

22. Incontinence:
Every time you have sex, you’re exercising your Kegel muscles, which are the same ones you use to stem the flow of urine.

23. Weak bones and muscles:
Sex brings on a boost of testosterone, which helps to make your bones and muscles strong.

24. Semen allergy:
Unfortunately, some women are allergic to their partner's semen. However, along with other treatments, frequent sex has been found to work as an effective desensitization therapy for this allergy.

25. Death:
That's right, sex can help ward off death for men. Professor Stuart Brody reports that men who orgasm twice a week are half as likely to die as those who only orgasm once a month.

Now go and have lots of sex to stay healthy!

How to Get First-Date Se.x with Girls on Every Date


In this article I’ll show you exactly how to get laid on the first date from how to greet her to how to take off her pants: every step is covered in meticulous detail. These tactics have been refined to a science over the last decade and a half and I promise you guys, this shit is for real.

If I’ve met the girl from day game I won’t do heavy se_xual screening before the date because of the time invested to meet them, meeting girls on foot is much less efficient than online. Also the girls I meet during the day are usually hotter than the ones online so they’re more valuable to me.

It’s up to you if you want to screen a girl before the date, your odds of getting a first date lay will go up but your odds of getting her to meet up will go down. I would say if you have high se_xual market value and a ton of prospects it’s a good idea to se_xually screen before the date, if you have fewer options you should probably ease up on the screening and aim to convert the girl on the date but it’s a judgement call on your part.

So, to get started you need to get your mind right and assume the close but at the same time don’t be too attached to it because that neediness will show through. Since you’re assuming you’re going to have se_x that day, the first thing you need to do is your se_x preparation.

Se_x Prep

If there’s a good chance you’re going to be having se_x with a new girl there are a couple of things you should do before you meet up with her. You want to make sure you’ve eaten a balanced meal at least three hours before the date, anything closer will f*ck up your stamina. You should also avoid caffeine because it stimulates your nervous system, making it harder to get an ere_ction, especially if you’re already nervous.

Your Frame For The Date

You want to come across as relaxed, charming, confident, polite and most importantly, normal. She wants to be relieved you’re not a creepshow so she can feel comfortable enough to f*ck you.

Your Clothes For The Date

By the time she shows up you should be freshly showered, groomed and in nice clean clothes. As with anything else in life, first impressions mean everything. If you have a nice body, you should wear a tight t-shirt or sweater. Check out my fashion guide here for more ideas.

I usually wear sweatpants at home, but that’s not a good first impression, so at least put on some nice jeans. If the girl is tall I will wear my boots, which give me an extra inch and a half. For you shorter guys I would suggest the same thing. One thing you should avoid if you can is wearing socks. There is no graceful way to take your socks off and you want your transition to se_x to be as smooth as possible.

Setting Up

The first thing you need to do as far as setting up goes is make sure that your place is clean, especially your bathroom. It’s not that she won’t f*ck you if your bathroom is dirty, but it’s just not a good look. You should also have condoms within arm’s reach of your bed and a bottle of wine in the fridge in case she needs a drink to loosen up.

Aim to get to the venue on time but don’t worry about her getting there before you because she’ll be at least five minutes late, usually 10. This gives you enough time to get your drink and find a comfortable table away from other humans that faces the door. You also want to adjust the table and chairs so you can easily slip out and give her a hug so that her first impression of you is not you awkwardly struggling to stand up.

On a coffee date, if you have a rare unicorn who gets there on time you can buy her a coffee or whatever she wants. For the average girl who shows up late, let her get up and get her own drink while you message other girls on Tinder. Definitely do not go back, wait in line and pay again for a girl who showed up late.

I always try to avoid alcohol dates but I will go to a bar if the girl insists. In that situation, what she’s saying when she insists is that she won’t be able to go through with having se_x with you without some booze in her.

Coffee dates are a better setup than drink dates for a few reasons. First, the price. Coffee dates will cost you about $5, while booze is $30 at the minimum. If you’re a serious player those costs add up. Also, after a couple drinks, your ere_ction strength goes down and so does your cardio, especially if you’ve been drinking beer, which means you won’t be able to put on a peak performance. From just two or three drinks my se_x cardio is down to about 80 percent.

Greet, Touch And Compliment

The first thing you want to do when a girl walks in is stand up, tell her it’s nice to meet her and give her a hug. Once she’s settled in I always make sure to pay her a compliment on her looks. This will immediately put her at ease, all women are insecure about their looks. This also sets the tone for se_x happening by showing her that you’re se_xually attracted. Ideally she’ll compliment you back but it’s no problem if she doesn’t. If she didn’t like your look then she wouldn’t be there.

As you’re releasing the hug, gently usher her into her seat. I’ll usually put my hand on her elbow or lower back and say: “have a seat,” not in a commanding way but in a friendly, polite way. Sometimes I’ll pull out her chair if I can reach. This is how you lead with polite dominance.

Remember, you’re a se_xual salesman so treat her as if she was your client in business. That means you’re on your good behavior. Forget this “being an a$shole” routine that many pickup artists follow, it will work against you. What you’re selling is polite confidence, se_x appeal and that you’re a winner. Everyone wants to do business with a winner.

Conversation Ratio

At the start you’ll usually need to do most of the talking, or at least most of the leading of the conversation. It will probably be about 80/20 your way, but you should be able to get it down to 50/50 within a few minutes. The easiest way to make a girl feel comfortable is to get her engaged and talking about herself. You do that by asking her questions.

Question/Vibe Loop

To get a woman feeling comfortable, I start asking her questions. I use a ton of questions, there is no topic girls like more than talking about themselves. I try to do as little talking as possible. Talking about herself and having you respond positively with insightful questions makes her feel that she’s really connecting with you.

Some example questions I’ll ask are: “Where did you go to school?”, “What do you do for work?”, “Whereabouts do you live?”, “Did you grow up in the city?” No segues are needed for these questions. When you watch a lot of the best comedians they don’t use segues either because they just become engaged with whatever topic is at hand


When you’re talking to a woman you always want to be in rapport with her. Your goal should be to never break rapport or outright contradict what she says. Even light teasing is still part of rapport. A tease is not a “neg,”a tease should be done playfully and in the spirit of fun.

Se_x is the ultimate rapport, so you should start building up to that from the second you meet her. You almost always want to be in agreement with what she’s saying. If she says: “I can’t believe the streetcar was so crowded on the way over here, it’s so annoying,” you should answer with something like, “Ya I bet, that sounds really annoying.”

If she says she just finished her degree and is so excited about her new job you want to say something like: “That’s awesome, that sounds like a really exciting field.” You want to empathize and filter back whatever emotion she’s projecting to you.

Being in rapport doesn’t mean you should be passive, though. You should always be leading the action and if a girl starts on a negative topic you need to steer her back to positive things. Let’s say a girl is getting angry because she had to wait 30 minutes for the bus I’ll say: “That sucks you had to wait so long. Hey, I forgot to ask, how was that art exhibit you went to this weekend?”

Once the topic has been covered or you’re stalling out, just ask her another question. Let’s say you’ve been talking about what she’s taking in school for 10 minutes and you’re stalling out. You can ask her what she likes to do for fun or what kind of music she listens to.

Just repeat the question and vibe loop until she asks about you. When (or if) she asks about you, you should have a couple of cool, normal hobbies you do. I use the gym and hot yoga. Make sure your hobbies are relatable to her. If she’s intelligent I’ll talk about the books I read, if she’s dumb I’ll talk about partying.

You can talk about yourself for a bit but you always want to flip it back to her. People feel most comfortable when they have an attentive audience. I learned this in my sales training. Clients don’t want to hear about you, they want to talk about themselves and for you to actively listen.

I usually don’t bother with se_x talk, if I’ve met the girl online, se_x is already assumed from my hardcore screening so my goal is just to make her feel comfortable f*cking me. If it’s a girl who hasn’t been screened, talking about se_x can make her uncomfortable.

If you want to put se_x on the table verbally you can bring it up casually, if she’s cool with it you can continue but if she gets uncomfortable – change topics. Also, don’t think just because she’s uncomfortable with se_x talk doesn’t mean she won’t f*ck, a lot of girls are just shy. At the end of the day it’s a judgement call on your part but not necessary at all.

Asking Her To Leave

This is where the rubber meets the road. There is no perfect time to ask her home with you, your best bet is to ask her to leave when you think she feels comfortable. It’s also a good idea to wait until she’s finished her drink. This can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour depending on how relaxed she is.

Remember the point of the date is to prove you’re a cool, se_xy normal guy that she can feel safe going home with. The money line is: “you wanna get outta here?”, although this is technically a question, you should deliver it as a statement.

That means you deliver it with a neutral, casual tone as opposed to an upwards inflection like you normally would with a question. When you say it like this you’re implying that it’s already been decided that she’s coming over and asking her is just a formality, this means she’ll have to break rapport with you to say no.

This is a very important distinction, if you ask her if she wants to come over it makes it much easier for her to say no because your question gives her permission to say no. Also it’s very important to hold eye contact the entire time, if she sees you look down or away it shows weakness and will make it easier for her to say no or question her decision.

Many times she’ll hesitate for a few seconds and you’ll literally be able to see the wheels turning in her head, those seconds will feel like hours but stay strong. Keep eye contact and hold the line like Braveheart, remember you’re a closer, this is what separates the men from the boys.

If she says yes, you’re good to go, don’t even bother telling her where you’re going and just lead her back to your place. A lot of times she’ll ask you: “where are we are we going?”, the correct answer is: “my place” delivered in the same neutral, casual tone. When you deliver this statement hold the line and don’t flinch just like you did when you asked her home. Remember, you’re a closer.

As you’re leading her home, it’s really important to keep her comfortable on the way home. I’ve seen girls have complete state changes as their logical brain kicks in, where they start thinking: “I can’t believe I’m going back to this guy’s place” or “I hope he’s not a psycho.”

Keeping the conversation going strong is a good way to put her at ease. As we covered before, this is especially important for the elevator ride in your building and walking down the hallway to your door, as these are the two biggest moments where girls go through state changes.

If she says no, the correct answer is: “no problem” delivered in the exact same tone as above because you’re a cool, cold-blooded player who is outcome independent. Even if you’re upset or angry inside those emotions should never register on your face.

If she sees you upset the chances of you getting her to come over in the future are 0%, also and more importantly is to not show weakness. You’re a man with lots of options, a man who doesn’t get upset over something so small as a girl saying no to you. At this point you can walk to her to her car or the subway, wish her well and tell her you’ll text her, this just further shows that you’re completely unaffected


Now that you’ve got her back to your place, the first thing you should do is take her coat if she has one and hang it up. I always keep an extra hanger next to my jackets for this exact reason. It’s a gentleman’s gesture and is good for retentions.

Remember she feels like she is giving something to you so the more respectful you are towards her the less buyer’s remorse she’s going to have. And, the better she feels about the experience, the more repeat business you’ll have. You should also take off your shoes and get her to take hers off as well. Now you have one less piece of clothing to take off.

In some cases, especially if she’s been pre-screened for being DTF and the vibe is already se_xual, she’s going to be ready to go once she gets back to your place. In fact, you’ll see in the lay reports section of my book that I was fingerbanging one girl before we made it to the elevator.

You can tell if she’s ready to go by how relaxed she is. If she looks relaxed and turned on then you can get started right away by pushing her up against the wall and kissing her, grinding, rubbing her pu$sy, all that fun stuff. In situations like this you can lead her back to the bedroom or just f*ck her up against the wall.

In other cases, if she’s been more reserved or she seems a bit nervous you’re going to have to take your time. Usually it should take at most an hour for her to get comfortable enough to f*ck.

If you’ve got a bachelor pad I suggest not having anywhere to sit except for the bed. If you have a one bedroom or a house, just lead her straight into the bedroom. If she’s nervous she might ask you something like: “where are we going?” Just answer nonchalantly: “the bedroom.”

The Day After Text

Once you’ve f*cked a girl you want to send her a text the next day telling her what a great time you had. It’s the polite thing to do and is extremely important if you want to see her again because it makes her feel she wasn’t “used” for se_x. Now we know from Chapter 1 that se_x is a value-equal exchange, but in her mind it’s not.

Lastly and I hate to have to bring stuff like this up, but when you send a day after text and she responds positively you’ve got an insurance policy against a false rape accusation. Also, make sure that if you do end up drinking that you cut it after two drinks max. I’ve made it a personal rule to never have se_x with a drunk girl and I think you should too. You want her sober and completely accountable for her actions.

7 Signs Your Partner is Sleeping with Someone Else


If your relationship has been shaky lately or if your partner has been acting bizarrely, you should keep an eye out for signs that they’re cheating. You don’t want to keep treating your partner like royalty if they’re actually seeing other people behind your back. If you’re worried about your partner being unfaithful, here are a few signs that they’re sleeping with someone else:

Your Partner Showers As Soon As They Get Home

If your partner usually waits until nighttime to take a shower, but switches to taking them as soon as they get home from work, you should be worried. They might be trying to wash off the scent of another person. In order to test them, you can see if they’ll agree to kiss or hug you once they walk through the door or if they’ll make up excuses for why they need to run to the bathroom first.

They Initiate Se.x Less Often

Most people love to get dirty, so if your partner stops initiating se.x, they might be getting their pleasure elsewhere. After all, there’s no reason to have se.x with your steady partner when you’re already having se.x with someone else earlier on in the day. A declining se.x life isn’t only a sign of a declining relationship, but it could also be a sign that your partner has decided to cheat.

They Take Forever To Answer Texts

It doesn’t take all that long to reply to a text. If your partner takes an hour to answer you back, then they better have a good excuse for it. The same goes for when your partner suddenly decides to add a lock to their phone. If you two really trusted each other, there would be no need for secrets.

They Buy You Random Gifts

This one is tricky, because your partner will either buy you gifts out of love or guilt. You have to think about how they’ve been behaving recently in order to figure out which one is the case. You don’t want to accuse your loving partner of cheating, just because you’re not used to be treated so kindly. But if your partner is sleeping with someone else, they may be buying you things to cover up that guilt.

They Stay Late At Work

Needing to work late is the oldest excuse in the book. If your partner starts spending a lot more time at work, but doesn’t end up with any more money in their pockets, something is wrong. Most people are too shy or too polite to call up their partner’s boss to ask for the truth, which is what makes it the perfect excuse. But if you think your partner is sleeping with someone else, call them on it, or call their boss!

They Pay More Attention To Their Looks

If your partner usually doesn’t have a problem leaving the house with a stained shirt and ripped jeans, you should be suspicious when they start dressing nicely. If they begin to pay more attention to their grooming (either on their face or below their waist), then they might be in the honeymoon stage with someone else.

They Use New Moves In Bed

When you and your partner actually get intimate, do they behave the same as they always have? If they put you in a new position or use a new kissing technique, then you should ask them where they got it from. They might’ve learned it from a friend or researched articles on the internet to impress you, but there’s always the possibility that they’ve learned it from the person they were cheating with.

Read Top Ten Things Ladies Fear Most About Se.x


When it comes to se.x, there are certain concerns most of us have. Sure, men and women are different in a lot of other instances, but our se.x fears are actually pretty similar.

A survey has revealed the top 10 most common fears women have about se.x. Here are the top ten things Women fear the most when it comes to se.x.

1. Your partner won’t want to wear a c0nd0m
2. Your partner has an STI
3. The c0ndom will break/se.x will result in unintended pregnancy
4. Your partner will find your na_ked body unattractive
5. Your partner will not take “no” for an answer
6. Your partner will want to do something
7. An embarrassing bodily function will occur during se.x
8. Your partner won’t have an 0rga.sm or be satisfied
9. You won’t have an 0rga.sm or be satisfied
10. You are bad at se.x

30 shocking facts you didn't know about salt: It can be used to commit suicide


Salt, scientifically known as sodium chloride, has over 14,000 known uses. We won't cover all 14,000 of them, but I can tell you it’s widely used as a preservative as well as being used for healing, fertilizing, cleaning and making medicines, dyes, cheeses and plastics.

Over the centuries there have even been roads constructed solely to transport salt and there have even been wars fought over this precious commodity. This substance will easily dissolve in water and reappear when the water is evaporated.

1) Algae
Seaweed salt is a delicacy hand-harvested in the estuaries of the great French rivers as they flow into the sea in Brittany. While Fleur de sel, which is produced in the Camargue, is the caviar of the salt world.

2) Bible
The origins of salt date back thousands of years; it is mentioned in the Bible in connection with Lot’s wife who was transformed into a salt statue because she turned to look at the city of Sodom.

3) Champagne
A little tip to keep your champagne well chilled for longer: add a few spoonfuls of coarse salt to the ice in the bucket.

4) Deposits
Apart from sea salt, which is produced in salt pans, salt is extracted from mines: the oldest ones are in Eastern Europe, but they are to be found throughout the continent as well as in Pakistan, USA and Canada.

5) Edible
Table salt must be used sparingly: it is poisonous when consumed in large quantities, so much so that in China it used to be a way of committing suicide.

6) Flavoured
Fine or coarse, salt is available as a pure product or aromatized with the addition of spices and flowers, as well as being smoked to give a more robust flavour to food.

7) Goderich
Goderich in Ontario boasts the largest underground salt mine in the world; it extends for 5 kilometres beneath Lake Huron.

8) Himalaya
One of the most precious varieties in the world is the pink rock salt to be found in the Himalayan mountains. It is said to be the purest in the world and the only type of salt to contain 84 minerals and trace elements.

9) India
The exquisite black Indian salt (kala namak) comes from volcanic rocks. It is used extensively in masala dishes and is often sprinkled on fruit.

10) Japanese theatres
In Japanese theatres, it used to be customary, before each performance to throw salt on the stage to drive evil spirits away.

11) Kiln
To make perfect fish baked in a salt crust, it must be covered with a layer of at least 1.5 centimetres to form a sort of kiln around the food.

12) Remove watermarks from wood
Watermarks left from glasses or bottles on a wood table really stand out. Make them disappear by mixing 1 teaspoon salt with a few drops of water to form a paste. Gently rub the paste onto the ring with a soft cloth or sponge and work it over the spot until it’s gone. Restore the luster of your wood with furniture polish.

13) Millenary
Salt is thought to have existed before any form of primitive track: animals used to lick the salty earth and create trails which, down through the centuries, became the roads of today.

14) Deodorize your sneakers
Sneakers and other canvas shoes can get pretty smelly, especially if you wear them without socks in the summertime. Knock down the odor and soak up the moisture by occasionally sprinkling a little salt in your canvas shoes.

15) Ounces
The human body contains from 4 to 6 ounces of salt; its function is to control blood volume, as well as regulating digestion and nerve fibres.

16) Pay
The word 'salary' still exists today; it derives from the fact that ancient Romans were paid in salt provisions instead of money.

17) End the ant parade
If ants are beating a path to your home, intercept them by sprinkling salt across the door frame or directly on their paths. Ants will be discouraged from crossing this barrier.

18) Restaurant ban
In 2010 in New York, a draft bill caused quite a stir: a one thousand dollar fine payable by any restaurant adding salt to its dishes.

19) Erase tea and coffee stains
Tea and coffee leave stains on cups and in pots. You can easily scrub away these unattractive rings by sprinkling salt onto a sponge and rubbing in little circles across the ring. If the stain persists, mix white vinegar with salt in equal proportions and rub with the sponge.

20) Speed up cooking time
In a hurry? Add a pinch or two of salt to the water you are boiling food in. This makes the water boil at a higher temperature so the food you are cooking will require less time on the stovetop. Keep in mind: Salt does not make the water boil faster.

21) Unlucky
Dropping salt is believed to bring bad luck because, in ancient times, it was as precious as gold. To drive away the evil eye, however, a pinch of salt is thrown over the shoulder Visitors The little island of Laeso, Denmark, with less than two thousand inhabitants, is visited by 60,000 tourists each year who arrive just to see where its salt comes from, the most expensive in the world.

22) Revive wrinkled apples
Do your apples need a face-lift? Soak them in mildly salted water to make the skin smooth again.

23) X-numbers of use
Precious and eclectic, salt is used in an infinite number of ways: those trying to count them have exceeded 14,000.

24) Keep your milk fresh
Add a pinch of salt to a carton of milk to make it stay fresh longer. Works for cream too.

25) Prevent mold on cheese
Cheese is much too expensive to throw away because it has become moldy. Prevent the mold by wrapping the cheese in a napkin soaked in salt water before storing it in the refrigerator.

26) Fire extinguisher
Keeping salt in your kitchen will help you in a non-cooking crisis too,” said Klinge. It can be used to extinguish a grease fire: pour salt on top; never use water.

27) Rotten Eggs
You can use salt to test for rotten eggs: put an egg in a cup of salty water. A fresh egg will sink; a spoiled egg will float.

28) Kill weeds
Use salt outside as a weed killer. Sprinkle salt on the grass growing in cracks in the cement or between bricks; then pour hot water over it.

29) Cleaning
An iron with rough or sticky spots on its surface can be cleaned by running it, set at low, over a piece of paper with salt on it. You can also remove a fresh grease spot on the fabric by covering it with salt. Wait for the salt to absorb the grease, then gently brush the salt away. Repeat until the spot is gone, then launder as usual. You can also rub salt onto a fresh ink stain on fabric, and soak the fabric overnight in milk. Wash the fabric as usual.

30) Tooth paste and tooth ache medicine
By simply adding salt into warm water you would have made yourself some effective home-made toothpaste which you can use to floss your teeth. This same 'toothpaste' can be used as pain killer when you have some nagging tooth ache.

5 Easy Ways to Make Money Faster Than Fast


Are you looking to make money with little to no work, and as quick as possible? Have no fear - doing so is easy! Look into selling products or services, picking up odd jobs, and other miscellaneous tasks as ways of getting cash quick.

Sell your old stuff. There are a variety of ways to turn the things you don’t use into cash, including:
-Selling old clothes at a second-hand shop.
-Selling books, CDs, and games to specialty stores and media outlets like FYE or Best Buy.

Sign up for paid surveys. While they rarely pay more than $5-10 apiece, you can complete a lot of them to earn a quick profit.

Make money off of your body (for science). There are a variety of ways to make some money off your flesh and blood, including:
Sign up for clinical research trials.
Selling plasma.

Do other people's chores for quick cash. The explosion of the internet has made it possible for you to sign up for a variety of low-commitment jobs to make some extra money. Unfortunately, these services may only be available in big cities.

Rent out a room of your house. Again, the sharing economy made possible by the internet is making even easier to make a quick buck online.

5 Reasons Why you should Date Men with a Big Nose


Here's why you need a nasally-gifted guy.

I can't tell you how many times I've said, "Wow, he's cute" to friends and gotten the response, "Yeah, but he has a big nose." What? Isn't that the best part?

Something about a big nose always makes me think they have a great personality: funny, strong, full of life. How could a nose not signify something? It's the most prominent feature on your face.

Turns out, I'm not alone. From ancient Egyptian priests to nineteenth century Europeans, cultures have been noting the significance of the nose forever. Leonardo Da Vinci even believed that the nose determined the character of the whole face in his paintings.

It's time to forget your silly dealbreakers and everything you've heard about Pinocchio. Why should your next boyfriend have a large nose? Oh, let us count the ways.

1. He has more muscle.

My, what a big nose you have! Well, one study revealed it's so they can support you better. Turns out, guys have bigger noses than ladies because they need more oxygen to maintain their muscle-y bods. Yep, you can thank that honker for his six-pack and killer biceps. Take all the oxygen you want, boys.

2. He's thought to be wise and powerful.

What do Adrien Brody, Marlon Brando and Bradley Cooper all have in common? According to Egyptian priests, had they known of these big-nosed hunks, they'd be considered incredibly intelligent. In Greek and Roman times, a big, long nose also meant power and strength. Win, win, win.

3. He has better luck with money.

Smack in the center of his face, the nose is the money spot — literally. According to Chinese face reading, also known as physiognomy, a person with a big nose has better luck with money. And this large-nosed fella can expect an increase in riches as they get older.

It's not just physiognomy that associates big noses with a big wallet. Experts in the UK looked at the features of the most successful people and came up with the ideal facial model for those destined for business success: men with a Roman nose, along with wide set eyes and flared nostrils. Wealth certainly isn't everything, but in any area of life it certainly doesn't hurt to be lucky.

4. He won't get you sick.

It turns out, a big schnoz protects against bacteria, allergies and infections better. According to a study from the University of Iowa, people with big noses inhale almost seven percent fewer pollutants than smaller ones. Who knew your boyfriend could be your best barrier against the sniffles?

5. He has a crazy se_x drive.

While there's no proof that a big nose means a big package, big noses are linked to high testosterone and virility, according to research published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour. Manliness and a lively libido? Yes, please.

MUST READ: Reasons why a woman must never have sex with a new boyfriend at his place


You're three glasses of wine deep, his hand is on your thigh and your loins are sizzling like a Portuguese steak. You know this date's going to end with sexy time.

There's just one question: His place or yours?

Personally, I'm all about home-ground advantage. Going to a new guy's house is taking a huge risk. Sure, he might live in a gorgeous home with an infinity pool and a Nespresso machine. But what if he lives in a dingy basement with an illegal monkey named Scratchy? Here are three reaons you should NEVER go to a dude's place for first time sex.

Have you ever been inside a 20-something dude's bathroom? It's basically a Where's Wally? of rogue pubes. There is never any soap and the toilet looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. Just NO!

No way, I can climax in a single bed facing a Shawshank poster

Everyone meets online, which means all you really know is that he 'works hard/plays hard' and went to Machu Piccu. He could be a murderer or a Bulls fan for all you know! #FullBodyShivers


Rule 1: Don't Jump the Gun
There's no doubt been so much buildup to this moment that you're tempted to skip foreplay and launch right into the part where you insert tab A into slot B. But that's a rookie mistake. So keep things slow and steamy from the get-go. During foreplay, any time his hands start to wander too daringly or it seems like he's going to try to go for the main event, grab his wrists and hold them tight. Then give him a long, drawn-out kiss.

Rule 2: Acknowledge Awkward Moments
Of course we all want to be thought of as a goddess in the sack, so the instinct is to ignore any gawky moments and pray on the kama sutra that he will too. But things will go much more smoothly if you do the opposite.

Rule 3: Say Something Nice
It's a myth that guys are worried about only their own pleasure. In fact, most dudes have a harder time enjoying themselves when they're unsure if their partner is having a good time. And since you're new to him, he doesn't know all your little inaudible signs that you like what he's doing. So it's crucial that you tell him. Just be sure you praise something that really does feel good because he'll file away whatever you say and often incorporate it into future sex sessions (and for God's sake, don't fake any pleasure where there is none. Backtracking from that is not easy).

Rule 4: Hold Back from Getting Crazy Acrobatic
You may have the urge to pull out all your wild sex tricks to show him you know how to get it on, but the first time isn't the right time. Stick with positions that are familiar, feel awesome, and don't require any crazy-ass acrobatics. Then if you want to spice things up, try one little tweak, like touching yourself while he watches.

Rule 5: First get married. Oh, This must have been rule one, kikikikiki

Reasons Why You Should Stay a V!RGIN Until Marriage


Virg!nity is more important to men than women would admit, cuz we all know that virg!ns are of higher value than slu_ts.

Now here are the reasons u should wait till after marriage:-

1) It will be hard to say No:- Once you've had se_x, it will be hard to say No when an opportunity presents itself again, and if ur already the kind of person that has a problem with self control, you will find urself behaving like a sl_ut and your're more likely to cheat. Virg!ns on the other hand won't cuz they dont know how it feels and you can never crave what you've never had.

2) You wont bond as strongly from the se_x act:- a lady who has gone through all the guys in her street will find nothing special about the next guy in line. Virg!ns will bond like super glue to the first guy that deflowers them. The love will be so strong, she will look up to him like a king.
[this is usually why a girl will always call you, text you all the tym, and say you don't love her any more cuz u've used her, if u dont do little things for her or call her every day, she'll say this cuz she's afriad of losing you]

And so men, for very ancient biological reasons, prefer to marry virg!ns. This is as unchangeable as the fact that women perfer "high status men". Of course nothing Good comes without its costs, female virg!ns are really hard to find in morden society, but few secular men are willing to sacrifice the good times of non-marital se_x for religious purposes and better chances at bagging a virg!n. So they suck it up and tell the slu_tty SWPL (s'tuff white pple like) what they want to hear
"No really babe, i dont care how many guys you've been with,
its all in the past now"
............ All the while dragging and dragging their feet on the marriage proposal.
Now some men fear the inexperience that virg!ns are likely to bring to the bedroom, bt this is a minor concern as a lady's se_xual inexperience is quickly and easily overcome as long as she has normal se_x drive. After all se_x is not further maths neither is it rocket science. A few weeks of non stop se_x (when you are married that is) with a virg!n and she will know all the things that a person should know how to do when having se_x.

WhatsApp: 6 ways to find out if your partner is cheating


Here are Six different techniques to use WhatsApp as a “private investigator” and catch a cheater.

You suspect that your husband or wife is having an affair? Do you think your partner is cheating on you? If you find yourself in this situation, WhatsApp can give you a hand to find out the truth. On the Internet, one technique to know if your wife or husband has cheated is spreading fast, but it is not 100% effective. There are margins of error. But there are also two other ways to investigate a possible betrayal. They are not all “legal”, but it is good to know just in case, and above all, to know how to defend yourself in case of suspicion.

Many people don’t always want to catch a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. Often, on the contrary, they want to hide the existence of a lover. But where there is a cheater, there is also a betrayed partner and text messages. Let’s make things clear in this world of jealousy, love, and infidelity in the era of WhatsApp.
How to find out if your partner is cheating

As said above, there is a popular method to find out, with WhatsApp, if he (or she) is unfaithful to you. On the web, people don’t talk about anything else. Wives, husbands, boyfriends, and girlfriends are alerted. And it does not end there. With WhatsApp, you can do more. Besides the already popular method, which takes advantage of a little-known function of the application, there are two other ways that may confirm suspicions of adultery. We see in detail how to do, and how to defend yourself.
Find out if he (she) cheats on me: Method 1

The first way to discover an affair is based on a very simple rule: Look on the WhatsApp contact list and find out with whom your partner is mostly exchanging messages, images, and video. On WhatsApp you can see the ranking of contacts with whom we chat more. Just open up the rankings in the data usage, and see who is in the top positions. What is he or she among the people with whom you feel the most? Here is the fatal question. If it is not a friend or a friend whom you know, every suspect is more than legitimate. Nobody exchanges many messages with a person who does not care.

Here is how: Ask him or her to show you the list of WhatsApp close friends on the phone (remember to do it in secret is illegal). Take her/his phone*, open WhatsApp, and go to Settings-> Account > Storage Usage. You will see the ranking of friends with whom you chat most. Just take a quick look, and if you notice a suspicious contact, immediately ask for explanations from your partner about why they have contact so often with that person, so that her/him is so well-placed in the ranking. If the suspected contact is even placed before you, chances are that there is something fishy going on.

* On Android the feature is not yet available. If you are using an Android smart phone, go directly to methods 2 and 3.
Techniques of espionage to catch a cheater: Method 2

The first method technique to discover a betrayal on WhatsApp has a limit: The partners could invent an excuse to justify all those chats with the person suspected. He could deny all, and you would remain with nothing more than a suspicion without confirmation.

There is another way, though, that can bring out the truth. These are applications that allow you to spy on WhatsApp messages from another phone. Clicking on the previous link, you will learn about the most popular app for spying. Just download one of them, and you can read the partner’s messages and see all the photos and videos that she/he has sent. If they are unfaithful, there is no way out.

The problem is that using this type of app without the consent of the partner is illegal, and if you are caught, you risk a sentence. The best thing, therefore, is to ask the partner as an “act of trust”. Ask him/her for the phone. If there is nothing to hide, why should they say no? This way nothing will be illegal, but you will have the certainty of knowing the truth about what is happening.

N.B.All this has a risk. If at the end you find out that there is no betrayal, your partner may be angry at you for the pressure you put on him/her. We must calmly evaluate before acting.
Discover a betrayal with the “tricky message”: Method 3

Let’s say it right away: This method is as powerful as it is illegal. We mention it in this article only for illustrative purposes as well as to defend yourself against any attacks of jealousy from your love one.

We could call it “the tricky message“. It is a fake message that you send to your partner pretending to be her/him lover, and then see how she/he responds and figure out if there’re any signs of infidelity.

To put it into practice, you first need to run the method 1 and identify the suspect contact. If there is one, you can apply the “trap”.

To run it, you need three things:

-A telephone with an unknown phone number to call your partner

-The name of the suspected contact

-The phone of your partner (just for a few seconds)

After getting all requirements, you have to just create a new contact in the address book of your partner’s phone. This contact will have the same name of the suspected’s name (that you got in the ranking of close friends) and the phone number you have picked to put the trap into practice.

Perhaps you’ve already figured out how to proceed. What you have to do is just send a WhatsApp message from the phone with the new number and wait for an answer. Your partner will believe they have received a message by the “lover” and, depending on how he/she responds, you can find out if there is a betrayal or not. Obviously, the advice is to send a “spicy” message, but not too much, to prevent your partner from having suspicions about the veracity of the message.

At this point, there are two possibilities: If you find out your love one is cheating on you, well, you know very well how to behave (men can make mistakes and they might be forgiven). Or, if your suspicions turn out to be baseless, you will need to find a way to apologize to your partner for a lack of confidence.

And you? Have you ever had such experiences? Share with us by leaving a message in the box at the bottom of the page. Your experience could be very useful for other people who are in similar situations. Finally, do you think it is right to investigate to discover a betrayal? Or should we sometimes let it go and trust our partner?




1. Never Available. A single Mother’s schedule is never open. Single mothers are the kind of women to always cancel dates at the last minute. Something always gets in the way of a man spending time with her. It’s hard to have a relationship with her because she’s never there.

2. YOU are NOT a priority. Usually in a relationship the man winds up DEAD LAST. Behind, her kids, her job, the car, the kitchen sink, the stopped up toilet. Even the dog gets more attention and affection than a man involved with a single mother. Any man who gets involved with a single mother winds up a fifth stringer in a relationship. And he rarely ever gets called up to play.

3. Thinks the world revolves around HER and ONLY HER. A single mother is one of the biggest narcissists on the dating scene. She often thinks that a man has to drop everything in his life to be part of hers and her kids. They’re so selfish they don’t think a man has needs, wants or a life of his own. He’s just supposed to be there to give her everything she wants in life.

4. Emotionally Unavailable- Most Single mothers cannot form an intimate connection with a man because her feelings are invested in other people. Usually her primary focus is on her children.

In addition to dedicating herself to her children, most single mothers have given their hearts to someone else- their children’s father. And those feelings she still has for him will always prevent her from getting closer to you. There will always be some distance between a single mother and the new man in her life.

5. The ex/ Baby Daddy is ALWAYS THERE. A man just doesn’t deal with a single mother. He deals with her ex or her baby daddy as well. And this guy is always hovering around like a helicopter looking to c*ckblock you. Some of these guys still think they have a shot at getting back with her. Others just don’t want to see her happy. A lot of these dudes want to f!ght over her.

Seriously, it’s a game they’re playing with each other. And they’ll be playing that game with each other until their children turn 18 or 21. Head for the exit. It’s just not worth dealing with this fool and his insecure bullshyt.

6. The kids are working AGAINST YOU When dealing with a single mother you also deal with Kids. Kids who still in their little heart of hearts think that Dad will come back and love them.


7. Those kids will HATE YOU. They will act out to keep you from getting closer to mommy. They will make accusations against you to get you in trouble. Again, it’s just not worth dealing with the bullsh*t to get with a female. There are four billion women in the world. You can find a quality female who doesn’t carry all this baggage or give you this much grief.
8. Entitled attitude Single mothers think because she had a baby out of wedlock the world owes her EVERYTHING. And she thinks she’s the one who deserves the best. Even though she’s usually collecting welfare, food stamps, or child support, in eyes she’s still supposed to be treated like she’s a queen because she popped a kid out of her v*gina.

In their deluded distorted vision of the world Men are still supposed to take her out to the finest restaurants and buy them lots of expensive stuff. And he’s supposed to take care of her kids too, buying them whatever they want while taking a blind eye to their bad behavior.

9. Distorted self-image Single mothers still thinks she’s as sexy like she was before she had a baby. Only she doesn’t understand how her body has changed. In some cases for the worse.

Single mothers are the type to try to squeeze themselves into sexy outfits like low-rise jeans and cropped T-shirts to show off their belly button, not seeing the muffin top and stretch marks squeezing out over the top of their pants. They’re the type to stuff themselves into slinky spandex dresses, (not aware of that gut, and the cellulite on their asses) and head out to the club. She thinks men are supposed to run up on her offering to buy her drinks. And because a few thirsty simps step to her, she thinks she’s still got it. But the only people who wants what she has to offer are scavengers at the bottom of the social scene.

10. Always the victim. Single Mothers never take responsibility for their actions. The situation they’re in is always the fault of that “no good man”, “these damn kids” their mother or someone else. They never take any time to do any self-examination or make any efforts to change their lives. They’re still looking for some Rich Incredibly Handsome Man™ to put on a cape and play Captain Save-A-Hoe™, sweep her off her feet and take her out of the troubling situation she helped make.

11. Jekyll & Hyde Personality. A single mother will be the sweetest thing when a man first dates her, but a few months into a relationship she turns into a NUTJOB. A man will usually see glimpses of this when she chastises her kids when he first meets them. During that meeting she’ll yell at them and bully them to get them to act right while praising a man like he’s an angel.

It’s all an act. Heaven will turn into Hell around the six month mark.

Once a single mother gets a man settled into her life it’s not common for her to start verbally abusing him and mocking him as she projects all that pent-up rage from those previous failed relationships onto him. And it’s usually around this point that most men realize why this woman is single and why it’s time for him to hit the exit door.

12. Drama Queen. Because a single mother always sees herself as a victim of society, she’s always talking about her problems. And she always has a new trouble to bring everyone. There’s never a good day in the life of a single mother because there’s always some new crisis about to emerge in her life.

The reason single mothers need the drama is because it makes them feel important. It makes people pay attention to them. And when Captain-Save-A-Hoe™ is doting on them trying to solve their problems it makes them feel an artificial sense of value. They need that value to deflects people’s attention from how pathetic their lives actually are.

Manipulative In most cases, a single mother has no interest in a man she’s dating. In a lot of cases she’s just using a guy as a pawn.
13. In most cases she’s dating to make her Baby Baddy jealous. Deep down in her heart of hearts she believes that if she’s seen with someone else who sees her as valuable that he’ll see her as valuable and take her back.

In other cases when she’s not trying to get a rise out of Baby Daddy she’s playing the sympathy card™ using a guy to get gifts, free dinners and free drinks out of him. To a single mother, The men in her lives are just human ATM machines where she whispers a sweet nothing in his ear like a PIN number and money comes out of his wallet.

And because she’s a drama queen who loves to play the victim, the Single mother plays to men’s emotions to get them to react in the way she wants. It’s not common for a single mother to tell her man man about her baby daddy so he can go f!ght him. Or pit two baby daddies against each other. Many a man has wound up either dead or in prison because a single Mother played the victim card™

14. Dishonest. A single mother is a LIAR. It’s how she gets what she wants. It’s how she manipulates people. It’s how she takes care of her kids. It’s how she survives in this world.

Single mothers lie. And they LIE ALL THE TIME. They lie to men about their age, their height, their weight, how many kids they have, the job they do.

On top of the lies they tell to others They lie to themselves. They lie about about how beautiful they are. They lie telling themselves they’re still a catch. They lie telling themselves they still have a chance with a good man. They lie telling themselves that their lives will be happily ever after one day.

The horrible truth is without those lies most of those single mothers would realize how pathetic their lives are. How they have no options in the dating scene. That they’re at the bottom of the barrel in the dating scene and the only men who want them are pathetic Manginas and thirsty Simps.

15. Carries Baggage, baggage and more baggage A single mother has more issues than Time and Newsweek combined. And when she’s looking for a man, she’s not looking for an equal caring partner. She’s looking for a Pullman Porter™ to take care of her kids, and clean up her messes with her childrens’ father. Brothers, don’t let yourself get sized up for the white jacket and the bow tie!

Anyway, dealing with a single mother is like walking through a minefield. After several months of being involved with her, it leaves a man anxious and tense because he doesn’t know where to step that won’t lead to an explosion that k!lls him.

That’s why Real Men avoid single mothers like disease.
Real men understand life is too short to put up with someone’s drama and their emotional baggage. We only have a limited time on God’s Earth and who wants to spend it being a Pullman Porter cleaning up someone else’s messes. As I stated before in a previous blog, let that woman take her run over Jimmy Choos and clean up her own mess. She made her bed, now let her lie in the wet spot.
Don’t date single mothers and don’t waste your time with them. There are four billion women in this world. If you’re patient, you’ll find a good one.

I Slept With My Partners Brother & I Regret It Ever Happened.


Hi I'm 29 years old, I've been with my partner for 17 years we have 2 boys together ages 3&5. We are not married, when I was 19 I did a very bad thing i slept with my brother in law. I don't know why exactly maybe it was because I was drunk & also i felt alone.

My partner Never spend time with me. Honestly he always left me alone. So I would go & hang out with my family who till this day drink every weekend without missing a beat.

Well his brother was always there b/c @the time he was dating my cousin. I know it sounds bad but its something i will regret for the rest of my life.

Well we had se_x 3 times on 3 different occasions. I felt disgusted the last time We had se_x because i was sober the other 2 times i was drunk so i guess i didn't care.

So i went on living with this keeping it a secret from my partner.

Gosh i love him so much & wish i could take it back. Well he just recently found out about this thanks to a friend that i thought was a friend but I'm glad it came out because i couldn't take the guilt any longer.

So about 6 month ago he found out & he's been heart broken ever since. I even took a lie detector test to prove that it happen that long ago & that it only happen 3 times & that i didn't cheat with no one else. But that didn't work because no matter what he's really hurt.

His family & mine all know about it. My mother in law still loves me because she accepts that it happen in the past. But my partner can't handle this much pain & its really affecting my boys.

I don't know if we should move on or separate. He can't let it go. I think maybe therapy would help. I just don't understand why i did it in the first place. But it happened 10 years ago & i was 19 i know it didn't justify it but i was young.

I'm 29 now with two beautiful Kids & i love my partner very much. Also he admitted to me that about 3 years ago he had an affair that lasted for 2 years.

We are broken & wish we could fix out it. But he can't let it go what should we do.

Public vow not to pay ZBC licenses for rubbish shows


ZBC I note with interest the contents of the recent Constitutional Court judgment entitling you to the payment of license fees effectively from every member of the public. I respect the court's judgment but disagree with it (as I am entitled to do). That's something I will take up in the appropriate forum - but for now, I have a few words for you.

Your content is deplorable, outdated, biased and of exceptionally low quality - including as it does cartoons from the eighties, news reports riddled with spelling mistakes and - barring one or two - programmes nobody has any intention to watch, even if they were paid to do so. People prefer to pay upwards of $80 a month to watch DSTv - including your own management and employees who can afford it.

It's time for you to introspect and ask why people refuse to pay any form of tax or licensing fees to you. It's because you suck - in every respect imaginable. You are biased. Knowing full well that there was something big going on during Pastor E's remand hearing, you reported on extraneous drivel that does not resonate with anyone. You ignored the stay away. You ignore this flag. You ignore hunger, injustice, poverty and corruption. You have no content that would be even remotely interesting to the general populace. You are not for the people but against them. If this improved, believe me - I'd be the first to pay for
my license. People who cannot afford DSTV would much rather buy pirated movies and other material off the street than watch ZBC.

As things currently stand, why should I pay a cent of my hard-earned cash to you? Why not get funding from those who decide your content and whose agenda you so ably support?

You will have to sue me for that $30 before I pay it. I say that knowing that the cost you will have to pay for issuing and serving the summons is far more than $30. I am prepared to fight the claim using every defence at my disposable and if I lose, you will have spent so much money fighting the legal battle, I will feel some sort of retribution - and only when the deputy sheriff is at my doorstep two years later, will I pay the $30. I am prepared to pay a fine if you choose to go the criminal route - even if that fine is more than $30.

It's the principle - you can't abuse people and simultaneously expect people to pay for such abuse. Enjoy trying to enforce the law by the way - especially in respect of gadgets I own that are capable of receiving your signals - but which you will never see.

Thank you. Bye. Advocate Fadzayi Mahere via Facebook

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