Fake virginity kit which can fool nearly every man now on sale in Zim
After having countless sexual encounters there is a cheat version to make a woman a virgin all over again. CVonservative voices say virginity is a must for a happy marriage, and this has fuelled...
View ArticleMost Zimbabwean hairdressers are prostitutes in Botswana, they earn $50 per day
During the day, she will give your hair the most refined look, albeit in a makeshift saloon, but when night falls across Botswana's capital Gaborone, Debra Ncube (not her real name) exchanges sex for...
View ArticleGood news on HIV treatment: Medical researchers say
THE HIV virus that causes AIDS could soon be harnessed and used as a tool that improves and extends the lives of people with multiplicity of diseases including against HIV infection itself according...
View ArticleShona-speaking teachers are making our children fail exams: Bulawayo parents...
ACADEMICS and the Bulawayo Provincial Education office have expressed concern over the employment of Shona-speaking and other non-Ndebele speaking teachers in primary schools in the Matabeleland...
View ArticleZimbabweans travelling to Tanzania to collect cars risk contracting incurable...
SCORES of Zimbabweans travelling to Tanzania and Zambia are purchasing fake yellow fever certificates instead of administering the yellow fever vaccine, exposing the country to the deadly yellow fever...
View ArticleWomen whose husbands have bigger pen*ses will cheat: Study reveals
A study into marital infidelity has found that longer penises are linked to wives cheating on their spouses. The study, published in the online Journal PloS One, was led by US and Kenyan researchers,...
View ArticleReasons why South Africa will not renew Zimbabweans' special permits
Over a quarter of a million Zimbabweans are living in suspense waiting for the South African Government to make a final announcement on what will happen to the special Zimbabwe Dispensation work...
View ArticleHow to make a sex tape
Oh my gosh, Thabiso Phiri is no longer Miss Zimbabwe? What Happened? Oh I hear she had nude pictures posted by some douchebag ex-lover person in her life? Haven't we heard this one before? Anyway...
View ArticleZimbabwe, Africa and World's richest pastors named
Spirit Embassy founder Prophet Uebert Angel counts himself among some of the richest pastors in Africa and says he is worth $60 million and insists that his fortune is from his business empire and not...
View ArticleScientists discover day and year the earth will come to an end
An asteroid heading for Earth will cause destruction of biblical proportions, change the climate of the globe and devastate human life, scientists say - but not until 16 March 2880. The 1950 DA...
View ArticleMasturbation helps prevent prostate cancer, boosts immune system: Study reveals
It is already well known that masturbation helps prevent prostate cancer in men, now a German study has found it also boosts the immune system. According to the study, which is available on Pubmed,...
View ArticleBulawayo drug dealers 'invent' mbanje substitute, smoke mixture of ARVs and...
A HIGHLY addictive concoction of anti-retroviral drugs, mandrax and rat poison - Nyaope - has reportedly hit the streets of Bulawayo, with users reportedly parting with large sums of money just to get...
View ArticleHIV cure around the corner
AIDS was once considered a virtual death sentence. Scientific advances have turned it into a manageable disease. Now there's reason to hope that final victory - a vaccine preventing infection, and an...
View ArticleGood sex makes you look 7 years younger: Researchers reveal
A British researcher claims that regular sex could be the secret to looking up to seven years younger. Dr. David Weeks, former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, spoke on July...
View ArticleSnake that looks like a penis causes stir
A creature discovered by engineers building a dam in the Amazon is a type of caecilian, a limbless amphibian that resembles an earthworm or as some are noting, part of the male anatomy. The 'penis...
View ArticleWhere did AIDS come from? Scientists trace its origin
The origin of the Aids pandemic has been traced to the 1920s in the city of Kinshasa, in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, scientists say. An international team of scientists say a...
View ArticleList of Zanu PF Ministers and MPs who died in mysterious accidents
Zimbabwe's Justice Minister, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday escaped unhurt after being involved in a road accident along Hebert Chitepo Avenue in Harare near the US Embassy. The minister was...
View ArticleGOOD NEWS: Having sex with over 20 women reduces risk of prostate cancer
There's good news for the Casanovas of the world – having sex with numerous women could help to protect men from prostate cancer, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Montreal...
View ArticleZimbabwe Vehicle Registration & Licensing ACT Chapter 12:14 - Traffic fines...
Zimbabwe Republic Police's Inspector Muhoni has brought good news to many motorists who are forced to pay unscrupulous fines by police. The police boss has revealed that anyone who is made to pay a...
View ArticleAfter all Patrick is way too ugly for you: Cheating Faith Mutema 'comforted'
I just watched the video posted by your husband Patrick with much sadness in my heart. I want you to know that I am writing this open letter to you as a woman who has been shamed and publicly...
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