Hi Sis Noe
I am teaching my girlfriend’s mother Mathematics and Science. The problem is that she loves touching me and on WhatsApp she flirts with me. She is always home alone when I am teaching her because my girlfriend works, her husband died years ago. I am on leave from work. When I tell her I will teach her in the evening when my girlfriend is around she refuses and tells me she wants to be with me alone. What is going on? — Curious.
I think you know what is going on. She is seducing you and she wants to have sex with you. Trust your instincts and run for the hills boy before it’s too late. If you don’t feel comfortable with this woman’s suggestion, if you worry that she has an ulterior motive for getting you in her house, then tell her you are going to stop tutoring her. She needs to understand that you are an up-front guy. You do not tolerate nonsense. If she wants sex, tell her to get a boyfriend. If she is failing to get one, direct her to me, I will get her a boyfriend. You don’t lie to your girlfriend and you don’t sneak into houses or have secrets. Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by anyone.
Hi Sis Noe
MY boyfriend is after sex only. We don’t go out and he does not buy me stuff. All he wants is to have sex with me. If I refuse he leaves or does not come to see me. We never go out, everytime we are together we will be in the bedroom having sex. The sex is good I don’t want to lie but it seems that is all he wants. — Tired.
This guy only wants to penetrate you, nothing more. He is not interested in who you are, he is only interested in sex.
He sounds utterly appalling — he is a user and sleaze ball. We are all allowed to admit that we have made a mistake.
Being with him was the mistake you made. My feeling is that you could be so much better off without him. You can never know a person until you have spent some time with them. Now that you know him better, you finally realise that he is about as interesting as a plank of wood. That is fine. You and he have nothing in common and he is not what you are looking for, so cut your losses and move on. I suggest you brush yourself off, make it clear to him that you and he have no future and start afresh. You will have much better sex in future with someone you actually love and respect.